Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween Everyone!

funny pictures of cats with captions

I hope it's fun, spooky & safe for you. I have plans to go our church's party. M is in charge of blowing up a room full of balloons. The kids loved it last year but dang, good thing we have an air compressor ;)

School has started for me and so far I've had a quiz on the Syllabus! (I got 10 out of 10) I only got 84 & 88 on the two chapter quizzes. Three more chapters to read & take quizzes on plus a paper due on the 6th. I don't think I'll be seeing much of you this week :-(

Hope everyone has plans for a great week.

Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home– including paper books, e-books and audio books. Started by Marcia of The Printed Page, the mailbox is currently on tour. Check it out so you know where to go next month.

A big Thank You to Leah for hosting in September, the October host is Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (blog link, not post link).

Received for Review:

Purchased: oh, man, I went to Target.....
To Have and to Kill by Mary Jane Clark
Making Spirits Bright, anthology
Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag
Bring Me Home for Christmas by Robyn Carr
Highlander for the Holidays by Janet Chapman

Lion Tamer by Sean Michael
A Change of Pace by Tielle St. Clare
Drawn by Sean Michael
Found by Sean Michael
Twice a Rake by Catherine Gayle
Snared by Sean Michael

What are you Reading?

is a weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit, visit, visit! She has a comment contest going on each week tied to the meme.

Lion Tamer
A Change of Pace
Button Holed
Xone of Contention

Xone of Contention
Live Free or Die
To Santa with Love
Gingerbread Cookie Murder (two of the three stories finished)

Next up:
something from my "read this year" list
something from my "Need to Review" list ;)


Need to Review-keep a running total and cross off as completed:
(this list is way too long and if they've been reviewed I didn't label them correctly!)

Spin the Plate, short story (current read)
A Modern Witch (current read)
Kekula (current read)
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
True North
Whiskey Gulf
A Circle of Souls
Benny & Shrimp
The Right Side of the Tracks
Second Chance

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Monday!

Whew! I had a great week! M and I went to Las Vegas and had a fabulous time. No big win on the slots but no big losses either. ;) Then I participate in Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-Thon. I'm still visiting blogs.

School starts tonight so I don't know how much pleasure reading I'll be doing.

Hope everyone has plans for a great week.

Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home– including paper books, e-books and audio books. Mailbox Monday was started by Marcia of The Printed Page. When Marcia was ready to move on from being the weekly host, she was kind enough to set up the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour. Check it out so you know where to go next month.

A big Thank You to Leah for hosting in September, the October host is Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (blog link, not post link).

Received for Review:

Huber Hill and the Dead Man's Treasure by B.K. Bostick
To Santa with Love by Janet Dailey
Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
A Clash of Kings (Fire and Ice) by George R.R. Martin

A Touch of Greek by Tina Folsom
The Zombie Project (Boxcar Children Mysteries)

What are you Reading?

is a weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit, visit, visit! She has a comment contest going on each week tied to the meme.

You Are Your Own Gym
Christmas at Timberwoods
A War of Gifts
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor
Dark Peril

Christmas at Timberwoods
Defenders of the Scroll
Xone of Contention

Next up:
something from my "read this year" list
something from my "Need to Review" list ;)


Need to Review-keep a running total and cross off as completed:
(this list is way too long and if they've been reviewed I didn't label them correctly!)

Spin the Plate, short story (current read)
A Modern Witch (current read)
Kekula (current read)
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
True North
Whiskey Gulf
A Circle of Souls
Benny & Shrimp
The Right Side of the Tracks
Second Chance

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon End Meme

End Meme

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
I enjoyed Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas and I believe it will be a trilogy
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
improve? I thought it was great! Some of the mini-challenge links didn't work.
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
the hosts on the blog were fabulous!
5. How many books did you read?
6. What were the names of the books you read?
Dark Peril, Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor, A War of Gifts
7. Which book did you enjoy most?
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (book 2 is on my wishlist now)
8. Which did you enjoy least?
this would have been book 4 but I went to bed instead
9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
Very Likely, depending on husband's plans. I'd like to donate prizes and be a reader. If I was a cheerleader, could it be just for an hour?

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon I Give Up

Wrap Up

I know it's almost the end but anything I read now will be just to keep going and I wouldn't enjoy it. So I'm going to bed.

Goals: two books read (with Finished Reading posts), check. One review, no. and visit, check. Oh, less reading than last time, more mini-challenges, more comments. check. check. and check.

started late, took a nap, went out to dinner, did several mini-challenges, visited! finished a total of three books and 757 pages :) Took a break to do some paperwork for tomorrow (that I could have done Friday!) and lost all my energy. I still need to iron a shirt then I'm out until sometime on Monday ;)

Read: Dark Peril at 420, A War of Gifts at 126, started Quickstep to Murder, Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor at 211.

Mini-Challenges: Introduction Meme, Mid-Event Survey, Hodge-Podge, Pet Love, Yoga

Food: trail mix, celery w/Peanut Butter, Boston Baked Beans, Jelly Belly jelly beans, quoina salad, 3 diet wild cherry pepsi, Scrambled eggs with cheese, apple, piece of cantaloupe/watermelon/honeydew, shredded beef taco, Cascade Ice Mixed Berry (drink)

next year.....check-in more often at RaT's blog for mini-challenges....start on time....keep track of time spent blogging/visiting/reading/down-time, keep track of who you visited?

Twitter: #bookdragonslair, #readathon

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Challenge - Getting Lost in a Comfortable Book

Getting Lost in a Comfortable Book
2012 Reading Challenge
hosted by Gina at Book Dragon's Lair

and in case you don't want to read outside.....


Make a post
link up (coming)
read 5 books from the list that you haven't read before

would be nice but I'd be more interested in why you pick each book and what you thought of it. This can be added to your post about the challenge.

The list didn't turn out as long as I'd hope so there will be no voting....just read five books (not yours) from the list. Yes, there are a couple of series on the list but you only need to read one of them.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
Arabella by Georgette Heyer
The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Briar's Book by Tamora Pierce
The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson
Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Anne Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer
Happy All the Time by Laurie Colwin
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowlings
The Hawk and the Jewel, The by Lori Wick
The Hobbit, The by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
How to Make an American Quilt by Whitney Otto
The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman
The Irish Country series Patrick Taylor
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Key Trilogy by Nora Roberts
Le Grand Secret (The Immortals) by René Barjavel
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Mist of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Mitford series by Jan Karon
The Negotiator by Dee Henderson
The Night Watch by Sergej Lukianenko
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman
The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
Persuasion by Jane Austen
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Phryne Fisher Mystery series by Kerry Greenwood
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Princess Bride, The by William Goldman
The Protector of the Small quartet by Tamora Pierce
Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
Secret Garden, The by
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Spy Wore Red, The by Aline, Countess of Romanones
Stand, The by Stephen King
Stone and the Flute, The by Hans Bemmann
Tangled Web, A by L.M. Montgomery
Time Traveler's Wife, The by Audrey Niffenegger
Venetia by Georgette Heyer
Westing Game, The by Ellen Raskin
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce
Worthing Saga, The by Orson Scott Card

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Goals for 2012

Goals is a harsh word for me. I make plans and join challenges then fail spectacularly! I did much better in 2011 than I did in 2010 and so far, not only have I not burned out, I've reviewed more books!

So for 2012, I'm developing some Guidelines ;)

Organize ARCs
gather ebooks
complete info folders

Every month review one personal book, one ARC, and one previously read ARC

Read more from the Mt. TBR

Officially join fewer challenges (post to advertise and say TY to host)

Read something for each perpetual challenge
(Cedar Cove, Magic Kingdom of Landover, Banned/Challenged, Disney Lit, Prey, 101 Fantasy, 100 Best Novels, Orson Scott Card, PB&J, Redwall)

Visit & comment more

update blog looks....clean up at the minimum....learn how to add a blogroll-type page instead of column

Complete more non-book projects
crochet projects, redecorating two bedrooms, continue decluttering, school work, house work, workout!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Check-in: Hour 21

Two Down....38 to go ;)

and wouldn't you know it...I've picked up a book that wasn't on my list! Took a break to catch up on a serial I'm reading online and to play FarmVille.

Progress: finished Dark Peril & A War of Gifts
Started: Quickstep to Murder
Reading: Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor
Posted "Finished Reading" post at the Matrix for both
snack: trail mix, celery w/Peanut Butter, Boston Baked Beans
Mini-Challenge: three :D
donated for mailing gifts
won two books woo hoo!
Up next: back to Quickstep? Magic Tree House?

I'm going to need another break to do some paperwork for tomorrow morning but I'm sure I'll be able to finish one more book and visit some more

Twitter: #bookdragonslair, #readathon

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Survey

Mid-Event Survey

1. What are you reading right now?
just finished A War of Gifts by Orson Scott Card
2. How many books have you read so far?
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
I recently purchased two cozies by new-to-me authors....Quickstep to Murder is the next book I'll start. Also looking forward to Button Holed. Both are book 1 of a new series and published this year.
4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day?
No, reading is pretty much what I do. I wouldn't have today without the RaT....we're empty-nesters this weekend ;)
5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
I didn't plan last week well and went to bed for the night 3 hours before the RaT started. With an understanding husband and no kids at home, I've been free to read to my hearts content. Interruptions were few and far between and have mainly insured I'd make it to hour 24 (nap & food). Just went with the flow....I may have 40 books on my list but I knew I'd never read that many.
6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
I won something! Actually, what surprises me most is a comment made by M.....he asked how my reading was going this morning and has left me alone to do what ever I need to do for this.
7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
Don't try to fix what's not broken....Q: why did we start at noon?
8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year?
Plan meals (we went out to dinner), have better snacks on hand, start with a shorter book and get to bed early the night before!
9. Are you getting tired yet?
nope. Had a nap
10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered?
I have nothing.....Oh, I tweeted a note to self..... I started out with a 420 page book, which was very good, but I should have started with a shorter book so I'd have a success right away

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Check-in: Hour 13

One Down....39 to go ;)

Progress: finished Dark Peril
Post: Finished Reading post at the Matrix
snack: trail mix
Mini-Challenge: just the one

Up next: A War of Gifts by Orson Scott Card

Twitter: @bookdragonslair

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Check-in: Progress thru Hour 10

Breakfast Lunch with the Carpathians

Started the RaT on the couch with a blanket, forgetting that my lap is a cat magnet. All that warmth and purring makes me sleepy! I made it to 10:30 a.m. before I needed a nap. I did set my alarm but Sneakers had curled up with me, still purring, I stayed in bed another hour.

After breakfast, I had Jelly Belly jelly beans (several flavors) and Alien Fresh Jerky (Honey Moon Teriyaki) yummy

Progress so far: 222 pages of Dark Peril
Lunch: quoina salad and another diet wild cherry pepsi
Mini-Challenge: only one so far

Twitter: @bookdragonslair

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Intro Meme

Introduce Yourself

1)Where are you reading from today?
Diamond Bar, California, United States
2)Three random facts about me…
I don't do mornings, so I'll be napping later.
I'd rather be riding! sigh, need to own a horse first
I'm a hermit that likes to party ;)
3)How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
nine + ....oh, gads, there are forty books on my list for today!
4)Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I didn't even think to make goals! I guess I'd like to get two books read (with Finished Reading posts), one review, and visit! Oh, less reading than last time, more mini-challenges, more comments.
5)If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
not a veteran.....but I took the snackage to an extreme and shouldn't have bought so much

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Check-in: One

Breakfast with the Carpathians

Late start but still much earlier than I thought! It's 7 a.m. now and I set my alarm for 11 {blush}

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese, apple, and a diet wild cherry pepsi
Reading: Dark Peril by Christine Feehan (book counts as "....any book currently reading....")

Twitter: @bookdragonslair

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Dewey's Read-a-Thon getting ready

Let's Get this Party Started!

Start: Saturday, October 22 at Noon GMT

Don't know how well I do starting at 5 4 a.m. but I'll get a list together and plan a great last hooray before school starts. Why don't you join me?

Twitter: @bookdragonslair

Possible Book Choices
....any book currently reading....
....any book on my re-read and review list....
....any book on my must read this year list....
Gingerbread Cookie Murder
Quickstep to Murder
Button Holed
Huber Hill and the Dead Man's Treasure
A War of Gifts
Mummies in the Morning
Dolphins at Daybreak
Polar Bears Past Bedtime

As for Snackage

I'll be gathering fruit and veggies, adding some cheese, Wheat Thins, and nuts. Not sure what I'll be drinking. My choices right now are Fresca Peach, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, Crystal Light, or water.

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Challenge - Redwall

A Tale of Redwall Challenge
A series by Brian Jacques

I've heard good things about the series and I always meant to read it. Now's my chance. I'm setting this up as a perpetual challenge that begins January 1 but you can start now if you like. It looks like there are 21 books in the Redwall series plus a cookbook and a graphic novel. There challenge is to read them all, well maybe not the cookbook ;) If anyone has a list of the books in their proper order, could you please share it with me? Thanks

It has been recommend that I read the series in published order so I headed over to Wiki....hope this is correct!

What: Read all the books in the Redwall series

When: January 1, 2012 on.... finish when you finish

Redwall (1986)
Mossflower (1988)
Mattimeo (1989)
Mariel of Redwall (1991)
Salamandastron (1992)
Martin the Warrior (1993)
The Bellmaker (1994)
Outcast of Redwall (1995)
Pearls of Lutra (1996)
The Long Patrol (1997)
Marlfox (1998)
The Legend of Luke (1999)
Lord Brocktree (2000)
Taggerung (2001)
Triss (2002)
Loamhedge (2003)
Takkety Tam (2004)
High Rhulain (2005)
Eulalia! (2007)
Doomwyte (2008)
The Sable Quean (2010)
The Great Redwall Feast (picture book)
A Redwall Winter's Tale (picture book)
The Redwall Cookbook
Redwall: The Graphic Novel
The Legend of Redwall Abbey (musical script)
CD: Song from Redwall
The Rogue Crew (2011)

Chronological Order (per Wikipedia)

Lord Brocktree
(The Legend of Luke - book 2 substory)
Martin the Warrior
The Legend of Luke
Outcast of Redwall
Mariel of Redwall
The Bellmaker
The Pearls of Lutra
The Long Patrol
The Taggerung
Rakkety Tam
High Rhulain
The Sable Quean
The Rogue Crew

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Read & Review

Challenge 1: Read and Review personal/library books

Time Frame: 2012

Basic requirements: Read and review at least as many personal/library books in 2012 as 2011. That would be 13.

1. Christmas Haven by Hope White (1st book of the year!)
2. Great Short Poems edited by Paul Negri
3. Tails of Love edited by Lori Foster
4. The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae by Stephanie Laurens (Mar)
5. The Unlikely Wife by Debra Ullrick (Apr)
6. Quinn by R. C. Ryan (Apr)
7. Pieces of a Rainbow (Apr)
8. The Gardner Heist by Ulrich Boser (May)
9. Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey (Jun)
10. Copycat Killing by Sofie Kelly
11. Devil's Food Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke
12. Consent to Kill by Vince Flynn
13. Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery
14. Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong

Challenge 2: ARC at The Eclectic Bookshelf

Time Frame: 2012

Basic requirements: Any book that you have been asked to review but not books that you've asked to review (netgalley). Tour books count.

Sign up here

There are several levels (4, 10, 20, 20+) and I'm going for 10 and hope to read all the ARCs I've already read but not reviewed that qualify, plus however many more to make 10.

1. Benny & Shrimp
2. A Circle of Souls
3. Kekula (read in 11)
4. The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
5. A Modern Witch (read in 11)
6. The Right Side of the Tracks,
7. Second Chance
8. Spin the Plate, short story (read in 11)
9. True North,
10. Whiskey Gulf

Challenge 3: Personal ARC Read and Review

Time Frame: 2012

Basic requirements: Read 20 ARCs and review them this year.

This is my print shelf! So, there is a duplicate books, I've added a couple since I took the picture so it even outs. And yes, that second shelf is double deep. This is just my print shelves, I've got just as many, if not more, ebooks to review.

1. Nitt Will Hill by Sebastian Gibson (reviewed 1-25)
2. Time Slice by Kerry Downing (reviewed 2-9)
3. Ancient Awakening by Matthew Bryan Laube
4. Bodyguards in Bed by anthology
5. Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis
6. Midnight Promises by Sherryl Woods
7. Catching Fireflies by Sherryl Woods
8. Where Azaleas Bloom by Sherryl Woods
9. 'Twas the Night After Christmas by Sabrina Jeffries
10. Alex Van Helsing Voice of the Undead by Jason Henderson
11. Perfect Bait by Michael Fowlkes

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Daughter came over to drop off Grandma's birthday gift and we went to dinner. M and I met her and boyfriend for dinner.....Red Robin. First time was okay but I think I'd rather go to Islands.

Saturday was spent at my parent's for my Mom's birthday, Bro & SIL were there too and it was nice to catch up.

Hope everyone has plans for a great week.

Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home– including paper books, e-books and audio books. Mailbox Monday was started by Marcia of The Printed Page. When Marcia was ready to move on from being the weekly host, she was kind enough to set up the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour. Check it out so you know where to go next month.

A big Thank You to Leah for hosting in September, the October host is Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (blog link, not post link).

Received for Review:
Code Blood by Kurt Kamm

Murder of Creped Suzette by Denise Swanson
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse by Eric Carle
Every Thing On It by Shel Silverstein
This Is Why You're Fat (and How to Get Thin Forever) by Jackie Warner
The Bite Before Christmas by Heidi Betts
1225 Christmas Tree Lane by Debbie Macomber
Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis

Ascent by Amy Kinzer

What are you Reading?

is a weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit, visit, visit! She has a comment contest going on each week tied to the meme.

The Square Root of Murder (about post, not a review)

Christmas at Timberwoods
Defenders of the Scroll
Casting Off
The Square Root of Murder
The View from the Cherry Tree

Currently Still Reading:
He Stopped Loving Her Today - access expired :(

Next up:
something from my "read this year" list
something from my "Need to Review" list ;)


Need to Review-keep a running total and cross off as completed:
(this list is way too long and if they've been reviewed I didn't label them correctly!)

Spin the Plate, short story (current read)
A Modern Witch (current read)
Kekula (current read)
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
True North
Whiskey Gulf
A Circle of Souls
Benny & Shrimp
The Right Side of the Tracks
Second Chance

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Gonna be Unplugged for a while.

I do have a couple of posts scheduled but I'll be unplugged for most of two weeks.

Happy reading,


copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Review-a-Thon Weekend Wrap-up


Hosted by Kristen and Kate at
The Book Monsters

I'm very pleased that I got three reviews done this weekend but only one was from my "read but not reviewed" list. Another was an ARC so I'm very please with that.

I was hoping to do another but went shopping with husband instead :)

Short list of read but not reviewed:
Second Chance
A Modern Witch
Spin the Plate
The Man Who Loved Books too Much
Whiskey Gulf

Hope to read and review:
Yellow Moon - read and reviewed
Drawn to the Land
Christmas at Timberwoods

How Many Cats? - read and reviewed
P.A.C.E. - re-read and reviewed

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Happy Monday!

Not much read that counts (lots of on-line stories). Had a great lunch out with my parents then shopping with Mom. Don't have many plans for this week but husband is talking about a quick trip out of town next week for the two of us.

Hope everyone has plans for a great week.

Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home– including paper books, e-books and audio books. Mailbox Monday was started by Marcia of The Printed Page. When Marcia was ready to move on from being the weekly host, she was kind enough to set up the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour. Check it out so you know where to go next month.

A big Thank You to Leah for hosting in September, the October host is Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (blog link, not post link).

Received for Review:

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
Only His by Susan Mallery
Only Mine by Susan Mallery
Only Yours by Susan Mallery
Liver Let Die by Liz Lipperman
Shoe Done It by Grace Carroll
Death by the Dozen by Jenn McKinlay
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
50 Ways to Fight Censorship by Dave Marsh
How Many Cats? by Lauren Thompson (picture book)
Dragon's Breath by E.D. Baker
Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krakauer
Love You More by Lisa Gardner
Veil of Night by Linda Howard
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

You are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises

What are you Reading?

is a weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit, visit, visit! She has a comment contest going on each week tied to the meme.

Yellow Moon
How Many Cats? (picture book)
P.A.C.E. (quick re-read for review)

Christmas at Timberwoods
Defenders of the Scroll
Casting Off

Currently Still Reading:
He Stopped Loving Her Today - access expired :(

Next up:
something from my "read this year" list
something from my "Need to Review" list ;)

Yellow Moon
How Many Cats?

Need to Review-keep a running total and cross off as completed:
(this list is way too long and if they've been reviewed I didn't label them correctly!)

Spin the Plate, short story (current read)
A Modern Witch (current read)
Kekula (current read)
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
True North
Whiskey Gulf
A Circle of Souls
Benny & Shrimp
The Right Side of the Tracks
Second Chance

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thoughts on...P.A.C.E. The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution by Al Sears, MD

I love this book. I wish I could tell you about my success in following the program but I can't. Only because I didn't do it! I still plan to but this is clearly a case of "do as I say, not as I do" ;)

You've heard of interval training? Most of the programs I found were for people who were already athletes. If interval training is so great, where's the program for the rest of us?

This is interval training for the rest of us. That is a simplistic view of the book. Dr. Sears believes, and has the research to back him up, that our modern lives are killing us. Our bodies are still conditioned for caveman living in a fast food/drive everywhere life.

Think about this. You walk to your car, walk into your office, walk to your car, walk into your home. Oh yes, you stop by the gym (on a good day) and do your 20-minute minimum of moderate intensity cardio.

Your caveman ancestor walked for most of the day foraging then, ahem, ran like hell when a predator spotted him. Sure there were lots of problems with the ancestor way of life ;) but when we lost the "ran like hell" part of our day, we lost a big chuck of our health.

Not just fitness or I look great, but health.

Dr. Sears explains what's wrong, why it happened, and how to fix it. There are lots of graphs and research snippets to back him up but there are also examples from his own medical practice.

There is one example of a women who was so out of shape that walking for 45 seconds then resting for 45 seconds was her interval training. (page 90)
PACE allows you to start from any level of conditioning. If you can stand up, you can do PACE.
page 90
It's difficult for me to express how much I enjoyed this book. I didn't follow through the first time I read the book but I'm ready to revamp the way I think about exercise and get with the PACE program. Read the book a couple of times. First, enjoy it as you would any novel. Laugh at parts and cry at others...and want to slap someone upside the head. Let it perk for a while then go back and really read it. Write down what you need to do to improve your health and live a long, healthy life.

Now to decide what to do with my gym membership and personal training sessions!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary review copy of this book without any obligation to write a positive review. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and may differ from yours. Book information courtesy of amazon.

The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution
by Al Sears, MD

Wellness Research and Consulting
ISBN 978-0979470394
February 2010
Trade Paperback
298 pages

Product Description:
PACE is the ONLY doctor-designed program proven to help you reclaim a young, lean and effortlessly energetic body in as little as twelve minutes—guaranteed! PACE is a growing revolution. It’s already practiced by thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world. PACE overturns years of failed ideas and exercise advice. PACE upends current exercise trends by revealing their flaws and offering a more effective, more natural way of moving our bodies. This book will show you how to replace the flawed and ineffective theories the have been mistakenly accepted without proof with what really works. Join the PACE revolution and your body will soon become naturally strong and resilient. You’ll join the cutting-edge group of thousands who now feel energized, motivated, and ready to take on any challenge. And the best news is that joining the PACE revolution takes on average only twelve minutes per day.PACE is the ONLY doctor-designed program proven to help you reclaim a young, lean and energetic body in as little as 12 minutes—Guaranteed!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Books Read....

100+ Reading Challenge
Quarterly Report

reminder....long or short, as long as there is an ISBN, or it can be purchased as a "book", it counts. This does mean that all the free stories I read online don't count :(

October Recap

130. Beaglemania by Linda O. Johnston

131. Bent by Sean Michael

132. Yellow Moon by Jewell Parker Rhodes

133. P.A.C.E. by Al Sears, MD

134. How Many Cats? by Lauren Thompson

135. The Square Root of Murder by Ada Madison

136. You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren

137. Christmas at Timberwoods by Fern Michaels

138. Dark Peril by Christine Feehan

139. A War of Gifts by Orson Scott Card

140. Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas

141. Button Holed by Kylie Logan

142. Drawn by Sean Michael

143. Xone of Contention by Piers Anthony

144. Found by Sean Michael

145. Gingerbread Cookie Murder anthology

November Recap

146. Snared by Sean Michael

147. Owned by Sean Michael

148. Bring Me Home for Christmas by Robyn Carr

149. Push by Sean Michael

150. The Zombie Project by Gertrude Chandler Warner (Boxcar Children)

151. A One-Eyed Horse in a One-Horse Town by Julie Mahler Harris

152. Cherry Pie by Samantha Kane

153. Forged by Sean Michael

154. Tyler's Cowboy by Amber Kell

155. Love of a Mate by Kim Dare

156. To Love Again by Simone Anderson

157. What Remains by Bailey Bradford

158. Stay the Night by Scarlett Parrish

159. Quinn's Blessing by Jenna Byrnes & Jude Mason

160. Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue by Stephanie Laurens

161. In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster by Stephanie Laurens

162. Confessions by Carol Lynne

163. Miles to Go by Bailey Bradford

164. Shy Cowboy by Jan Irving

165. Cody's Revelation by Lavinia Lewis

166. Reckless Behaviour by Talia Carmichael

167. Cinnamon Dreams by Vic Winter

168. Snow and Mistletoe by TC Blue

169. Wolf Unexpected by Vic Winter

170. The Question by Sean Michael

171. Match Before Christmas by Eden Winters

172. Fanning the Flames by Eden Winters

173. Someone Special by TC Blue

174. Highlander for the Holidays by Janet Chapman

175. A Lie I Can Live With by Eden Winters

176. Of Cocoa and Men by Vic Winter

December Recap

177. Where You Least Expect It by M Durango

178. Janeology by Karen Harrington

179. Matchmaker, Matchmaker by Amber Kell

180. Kelan's Pursuit by Lavina Lewis

181. Aaron's Awakening by Lavina Lewis

182. Half Pass by Astrid Amara

183. Not My Wolf by Eden Cole

184. Fur and Flightless by Joyee Flynn

185. A Squeak and a Roar by Joyee Flynn

186. Wounded Cowboy by Jan Irving

187. A Plain, Ordinary Cowboy by Jan Irving

188. Lifting the Wheel of Karma by Paul H. Magid (Nov book)

189. Here Kitty, Kitty by Joyee Flynn

190. Tristan by Joyee Flynn

191. Scales and a Tail by Stormy Glenn

192. Fire and Ash by Gabrielle Evans

193. Our Sexy Tiger by Joyee Flynn

194. Spells and Bananas by by Joyee Flynn

195. Myth and Mischief by Gabrielle Evans

196. My Feisty Kitten by Joyee Flynn

197. Cheetah in Charge by Joyee Flynn

198. Kitty in the Middle by Joyee Flynn

199. My Angel Cheetah by Joyee Flynn

200. My Little Kitty by Joyee Flynn

201. Fantasy, Legend and the Guardian by Gabrielle Evans

202. White Paws and a Dream by Stormy Glenn

203. Two Fangs and a Hoof by by Joyee Flynn

204. The 10/60 Diet by Phil Torcivia

205. The More the Terrier by Linda O. Johnston

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thoughts on...How Many Cats?

This is the cutest book! A lone dog sits in the house and there are Zero cats but when his housemate comes home....along come the neighbors too!

I love the illustrations and the verse. One the great things is not only are you learning to count but do MATH too!
Twelve fine cats in three lines of four
flaunt and flounce across the floor.
and the illustration shows three groups of four cats dancing! And as the cats are dashing out the door, one waves to the dog!

Too Cute! My copy used to be a library book and some one drew in it :(

Disclaimer: I purchased this book for my own enjoyment based on a blogger recommendation. edit: Dang, wish I could remember where! from Puss Reboots The opinions expressed in this post are mine and may differ from yours. Book information courtesy of several online sites and the book itself.

How Many Cats?
by Lauren Thompson
Illustrated by Robin Eley

Hyperion Books for Children
April 2009
ISBN: 9781423108016
hardcover (approx 8.5x11)
32 pages

Product Description:
A quiet afternoon for one quickly becomes a party for twenty. As new kitties join the fun, Lauren Thompson's clever verse helps young readers count from one to twenty and back again, introducing them to early math skills along the way.
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Thoughts on...Yellow Moon by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Come, feel the rhythm of New Orleans!

Yellow Moon deals with Voodoo, death, destruction and a little sex. When else do you feel completely alive but during sex? Actually, there are only a couple sex scenes so you can easily skip them ;)

As for the other.....this is a horror book. Maybe not as scary as some, but still the blood and the mystical are strong parts of the story.
Live life large. Let the good times roll. New Orleans-her adopted home. The city where she felt most herself.

The song ended. Climaxing in a vibrato that left the audience breathless, whistling, stomping their feet, demanding more.
Marie Levant. ER Doctor. Descendant of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. Practitioner of Voodoo herself, her second home is the ER. She uses both her learned science and inherited sight to heal. Always, to heal.

When there is a strange murder, a detective arrives at the ER with a body.
"They said you were the right doctor for a weird death."

......The body wasn't much more than a skeleton, brown fresh stretched over bone. Lying on the gurney-bones stiff, skin deflated-the body seemed a cruel joke. A Paper-mache or woodcut of a body. A made thing, not a dead man.

The book isn't all blood and gore, there are several touching scenes with patients in the ER.

I don't normally read a series out of order. However, I was asked to review Yellow Moon and it is book two of a trilogy. Exciting? Yes. Complete on it's own? Yes. I didn't feel like I was missing anything. I love the dog's name and am wondering if it is explained in book one but other than wanting to know what came before and what comes next, Yellow Moon is a satisfying read all on it's own.

You might want to read this one during the daylight :D

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary review copy of this book without any obligation to write a positive review. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and may differ from yours. Book information courtesy of Simon & Schuster

Yellow Moon
by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Washington Square Press
ISBN: 1-4165-3711-2
Trade paperback
August 2009
304 pages

Product Description:
A jazzman, a wharf worker, a prostitute, all murdered. Wrists punctured, their bodies impossibly drained of blood. What connects them? Why are they rising as ghosts?

Marie Levant, the great-great granddaughter of the Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau, knows better than anyone New Orleans's brutal past -- the legacy of slavery, poverty, racism, and sexism -- and as a doctor at Charity Hospital's ER, she treats its current victims.

When she sleeps, she dreams of blood. Rain, never ending. The river is rising and the yellow moon warns of an ancient evil -- an African vampire -- wazimamoto -- a spirit created by colonial oppression.

The struggle becomes personal, as the wazimamoto is intent on destroying her and all the Laveau descendants. Marie fights to protect her daughter, lover, and herself from the wazimamoto's seductive assault on both body and spirit.

Echoing with the heartache and triumph of the African-American experience, the soulful rhythms of jazz, and the horrors of racial oppression, Yellow Moon gives us an unforgettable heroine -- sexy, vulnerable, and mysterious -- in Marie Levant, while it powerfully evokes a city on the brink of catastrophe.

Yellow Moon is part two of the New Orleans trilogy that began with Voodoo Season -- magical realist fiction that takes the legend of the voodoo priestess Marie Laveau, as imagined by Jewell Parker Rhodes in the bestselling Voodoo Dreams, into the present day.

I guess if you were extra sensitive to the "heartache and triumph of the African-American experience" you would see it in the book. I saw heartache and triumph and noticed the talk of slavery but, I'm sorry, I didn't see it as just the African-American experience. I saw it as a human experience.

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Review-a-Thon Weekend


Hosted by Kristen and Kate at
The Book Monsters

The idea is to review as many books as you can during the weekend.

I still have a huge list of books read but not reviewed and while I'd love to cross them all off the list, I'll be happy with two this time.

Short list of read but not reviewed:
Second Chance
A Modern Witch
Spin the Plate
The Man Who Loved Books too Much
Whiskey Gulf

Hope to read and review:
Yellow Moon - read and reviewed
Drawn to the Land
Christmas at Timberwoods

How Many Cats? - read and reviewed
P.A.C.E. - re-read and reviewed

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Purr-sday & Cat Thursday

a place to share the cute/funny/weird pictures I find while surfing....when I should be doing a whole range of things ;)

Someone has an actual meme for "Cat Thursday" so head over to The True Book Addict and see who else is sharing.

Thought this would be a good one for October. Although I'm mixed about my enjoyment of this picture....

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Trust Me and White Sleeper. . . .

Hosted at Bibliophile by the Sea
Every Tuesday, she'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of her current read. Why don't you join us?

"You want me to go to a dude ranch?" I asked, my eyes a goggle in surprise.

"In Owen's place," Amy replied. Her voice was quiet, but strong, and did not waver. "The trip's all paid for," she explained. "Owen was so determined he'd make it. At least this far. He wanted it so." She paused. "The kids need this, and frankly--well--so do I."
Trust Me
B.G. Thomas

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I had a hard time deciding on one, I hope you like it.
"How could two families in the same church group get exposed to two different deadly diseases?"

"Beats the hell out of me," Dave said. "Unless they went on a tour of a bioweapons facility. That's hardly likely."

"Last time I looked, they didn't offer tours."
White Sleeper
David R. Fett & Stephen Langford

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Monday!

Went to a Barnes & Noble during Banned Book Week expecting a display....even a small one.....there was NOTHING. When I mentioned it, one of the clerks didn't know what I was talking about and the other was "wasn't that last month?"

I'm hoping Jade has a great time out of school....I'm going to lunch with my Mom :)

Hope everyone has plans for a great week.

Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home– including paper books, e-books and audio books. Mailbox Monday was started by Marcia of The Printed Page. When Marcia was ready to move on from being the weekly host, she was kind enough to set up the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour. Check it out so you know where to go next month.

A big Thank You to Leah for hosting in September, the October host is Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (blog link, not post link).

Received for Review:

Purchased (Target, Book Depository & amazon too):
Pick of the Litter
Square Root of Murder
War of Gifts
Christmas at Timberwoods by Fern Michaels
In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster by Stephanie Laurens
The Wish by Gail Carson Levine
A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine
Ever by Gail Carson Levine
Listen to Your Fish Terrific Tips for Pet Care from the Sesame Street Gang
Mr. Putter & Tabby Run the Race by Cynthia Rylant
Home Sweet Home by Bella Riley
Gingerbread Cookie Murder anthology (Joanne Fluke, Laura Levine, Leslie Meier)
Enchanted No More by Robin D. Owens
Casting Off by Nicole R. Dickson
Quickstep to Murder by Ella Barrick
Button Holed by Kylie Logan
The Eighty-Dollar Champion by Elizabeth Letts

oh boy, I got over 40 books for $0!

What are you Reading?

is a weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit, visit, visit! She has a comment contest going on each week tied to the meme.

An Engagement in Seattle about but not reviewed
Pick of the Litter by Bill Wallace
Beaglemania about but not reviewed-yet

Billy Boy
Bookbanning in America: Who Bans books? and Why
Pick of the Litter
Defenders of the Scroll
Casting Off

Currently Still Reading:
He Stopped Loving Her Today

Next up:
something from my "read this year" list
something from my "Need to Review" list ;)

Pick of the Litter

Need to Review-keep a running total and cross off as completed:
(this list is way too long and if they've been reviewed I didn't label them correctly!)

Spin the Plate, short story (current read)
A Modern Witch (current read)
Kekula (current read)
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
True North
Whiskey Gulf
A Circle of Souls
Benny & Shrimp
The Right Side of the Tracks
Miracle in Sumatra
The Tallest of smalls
Nine Things Nathan Noticed at Night
Second Chance
Red in the Flower Bed

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thoughts on...Pick of the Litter by Bill Wallace

I've read several of Bill Wallace's books and was sure this would be another fun read. It was, but I cried!


I'm going to assume you're looking for someone else so I'll tell you more than I usually would.

The book starts off with Tom in detention because he didn't finish his spelling words. We learn that Tom hates spelling, his teacher likes him, he's basically a good kid. And when his list of words aren't where the teacher said to leave them and are later found, his teacher says, "You're a good and honest man, I should have believed you." That comes back later to haunt Tom.

You see, Tom falls in the love with a puppy but Grandpa gave his word that the owner of the pup's dad could have the "pick of the litter" which basically means he gets first choice. Tom agonizes over what to say when the man shows up, wants to grab Tad and run away but he also wants to do what's right, even when it hurts.

We see a lot of growing during his communication with Angie. Tom doesn't talk much and sometimes he doesn't say much in his letters but he thinks what he wants to say so we know.

When push comes to shove, Tom does the right thing and tells the man that Tad is the best of the litter. The good news is that the man is looking for a girl dog.

Happy ending: Even after being offered twice his fee for a trained dog for the puppy, Grandpa gives him to Tom. That may seems like the best part but really, it's when the man compliments Tom on "how much courage it must have taken not to let on until after he made his decision" that Tom wanted the pup.

I didn't tell all. There is still the trouble with Old Gabe, teaching the dogs with Grandpa, and a family vacation to read about.

Disclaimer: I purchased this book for my own enjoyment. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and may differ from yours. Book information courtesy of publisher.

Pick of the Litter
by Bill Wallace

publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks, Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781416925118
date published: May 2006
format: trade paperback
genre: fiction, children's books, animals
pages: 176
ages: 8-12
grades: 3-7

Product Description:
Tom's grandfather is recovering from heart surgery, so during summer vacation tom is helping him with his hunting dog business. It's hard work, but Tom doesn't mind so much after he falls in love with one of the pups, a rare blue-eyed pointer Tom names Tad. It's almost as if Tad understands when Tom talks to him, especially about confusing things like how hard it is to write to Angie, a girl Tom met on vacation.

The trouble is, Grandpa promised the owner of the pup's sire the pick of the litter, and it's pretty clear that's Tad. Tom knows what he should do, but he can't help hoping there's a way to get around Grandpa's promise. How can he do the honorable thing when it will cost him what he wants most in the world?

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011