Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reading through the Seasons

I haven't been able to find a reading challenge for this so I'm going to try running my own. There are two levels. Both levels require a season to be part of the title (Autumn in Scotland)

Level 1: read four books, one for each season.

Level 2: read 16 books, four for each season.

Bonus: a complete series with all four seasons

This challenge runs Jan 1 (oops) to Dec 31, 2009

Overlap with other challenges is perfectly acceptable

Holidays do not count unless a season is also included (Winter Dreams, Christmas Love)

You do not need a fixed list & can change it around

Children's books are allowed on level 2 but only for half the title

That's it. Add your name to Mr. Linky and comment on what level you'll be doing. Please link to the page where you have your challenge books instead of to your blog. It makes it easier for others to follow your progress and see your book choices.


  1. Yea! I've listed my books for level two and I found two series to fit, one young adult and one romance. also, I don't own all of these so off to the library I go.

  2. Great idea. I'm going for level 1 - but may upgrade to level 2. I've osted and will add books later.
    Thanks for hosting ;0)

  3. Hi Gina. I would like to join your challenge. I still need to complete my list but I do have a post up about the challenge:

    Thank you for hosting.

  4. I am always open to a challenge! Judy

  5. I now have a blog soley for reviews at

    My progress on Chaqllenges is still posted to A Novel Challenge

  6. I'd like to join this challenge please. I will do the 16 books if Ican find enough on my shelves to qualify. I will post about the challenge and link to you as soon as I can. Thank you.

  7. I have linked my post and will do 4 books for the time being. I could not find nearly enough qualifying titles in my library to do 16. I look forward to seeing what others read and finding some new good books. Thank you.

  8. Great idea! I have a book for each season so I'm in!

  9. I am going to post a better review for Forever Autum as soon as my mom finds the book. She doesn't know where she put it and I am now bedridden with my ALS until I get my wheelchair.

    My blog's address:

    Judy/Intergalatic Bookworm

  10. Thank you for hosting a great challenge. Here is my wrap-up post:


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.