Monday, May 11, 2009

another Romance Challenge

Really, what was I thinking. The rules seem simple but I'm starting out late.... Rules etc, are here. Check it out!

1. Read a romance by an author whose last name starts with "G"

2. Read a romance from a sub-genre you don't usually read from: contemporary, historical, romantic suspense, paranormal, etc.

3. Read a romance containing a titled name in its title such as viscount, duke, duchess, princess, prince, etc.

4. Read a romance first published in 2009

1. A Kid to the Rescue by Susan Gable (completed 5-11)
2. "Warriors in the Mist a medieval dark fantasy" with an Epic Romance
3. The Further Observations of Lady Whistledown (completed 4-9)
4. Rewriting Monday (completed 4-?)

Insatiable Desire listed Romance, horror and I need to read it for another challenge!

woo hoo! Now the hard part, finding a romance sub-genre I don't usually read. Maybe a different time period/setting for historical? Do they have romantic horror?


  1. I did this challenge and loved it. It was just a little different.

  2. Sometimes different is good. One challenge I did this year was to read five romance books. I think I did it in six weeks. LOL This one will make me think and try new authors.


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.