Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm a Reviewer

yea, yea, yea, we're all reviewers but oh, my. My first free book to review was from Library Thing and then someone had a post about an author handing out books and then I saw an animated picture on another blog (wish I could remember where!) and checked it out... But that's not all. I received an email today from an author asking me to review his book because he likes my blog. How cool is that?

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

What's with the flashy graphic? You choose a book to review, one at a time, then promise to post the review on your blog AND a retail site - you know, like amazon. You must read the whole thing (duh) and you get to keep the book.

I asked for "The Noticer". It's in PDF format so it may take me longer to read (no cuddling up on the couch). I will also receive "The Hole in Our Gospel". That one is print so I'm waiting for it to be mailed. received 6-16

So click on the "badge" and check it out. Once I finish a review I'll move it to my sidebar. Well, the click takes you to my reviews and there aren't any but I know you can find "home" from there.

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Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.