Saturday, June 20, 2009

In my Mailbox & at the Bookstore!

At the store:

This is book 2 in the Lone Star Sisters trilogy (or is there four?) I loved book one and book 3 will be released in Oct.

I usually like Susan Wiggs but is it silly to buy a book just because you need a "J" word in the title?

I joined a "Faeries" challenge and I've read MaryJanice Davidson. One of the blurbs on back read "Librarian by day, tooth fairy by night" and I just had to get it. Plus, the others will count towards my new to you author challenge :)

In the mail: My review book from Thomas Nelson came!

1 comment:

  1. No absolutely not, if you like the author it's just fine! LOL


Thank you!

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