Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Blogoversary to ...

Nely at all about {n} is celebrating her one year anniversary!

I'd like to get her a short but deep bookcase...
perfect for your over-sized books.

with a couple of boxes that look like books for small treasures....

and a set of bookends for the top shelf
bookends are harder to shop for than I thought they'd be. Let me know if you'd like to exchange these.

Here you go Shellie....

bookends are here at amazon

bookcase is at amazon too

books are here at Pier 1 Imports, they're sold individually


  1. haha - I love it!!! Thanks so much you totally made my morning. :D

  2. Those are so cool. I was hoping for a link to purchase them as well?
    Congrats to you Nely on your first year in the blogoshere!

  3. Yeah! - those book shelves are now on my wish list. They will be perfect for next to the bed. All me books are currently on the floor.


Thank you!

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