Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Life in Books

I found this at True Crime Book Reviews but I've since seen it other places, just start clicking through!

Using only books you have read this year (2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.

Describe Yourself: A Book Dragon (really, it’s a book!)

How do you feel: Fit or Fat?

Describe where you currently live: Fairyville

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Home for the Holidays

Your favorite form of transport: A Horse named Dragon

Your best friend is: The Man from Nowhere

You and your friends are: Flirting with Pete

What's the weather like: Visions of Heat

Favourite time of day: Wait Until Twilight

What is life to you: Brighter than the Sun

If your life was a: Mistaken Identity

Your fear: Killed by Clutter

What is the best advice you have to give: Eye Contact

Thought for the Day: It’s In His Kiss

How I would like to die: Fearless

My soul's present condition: Counting Stars

That was fun! Your turn.


  1. A Horse Named Dragon? Awesome. Thanks for linking to this so I could come by!

  2. Hey
    This was great.I love the wanting to die "fearless",what more could anyone want??

  3. Awesome answers--thanks for commenting on my version of this, because I wouldn't have found your site otherwise.

    My favorite--Fear - Killed by Clutter...oh yes, it is deadly!

    I'll be back :)

  4. Nice. You've aleady seen mine, but here's the link anyway: My Life is an Open Book

  5. Thanks everyone! This was a lot of fun. Some of you put authors...dang, didn't even think of that. Can we do it again next year?

  6. Haha, killed by clutter ! That's a good one ! Here is mine.


Thank you!

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