Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Review Book Arrived this week

The Art of Meaningful Living
Christopher F. Brown and John Palmer

Publisher: Synergy Books
Release Date: September 2009
format: Hardcover
pages: 128
genre/category: non-fiction/Self-help

from the publisher
Thousands of self-help books on the market promise the key to happiness through five steps, 10 tips or the power of positive thinking. But for many people today who have become satisfied with mediocrity, these words may speak to their rational mind, but not the soul. Living a meaningful life is an art form, and awakening the true passions that lie dormant within us all requires a more creative approach.

Psychotherapist Christopher F. Brown, LCSW, MBA, and artist John Palmer present The Art of Meaningful Living, a coffee-table book that offers a framework for navigating significant life change through a combination of psychologically-based techniques and provocative abstract artwork.

Brown shares psychological concepts that have worked for both himself and those he has treated in his private practice, while Palmer contributes 75 original pieces of breathtaking art directly inspired by the text. Because meaningful living is both an art and a science, the book acts as a bridge between psychology and art; between the readers’ rational and emotional sides.

“Meaningful living is choosing your passions over your fears,” Brown says. “It is accepting what you cannot control and focusing on what is in your power. With The Art of Meaningful Living, I provide tools that will help readers learn to manage their minds, cope with the world around them, define what is valuable to them and hopefully move toward the lives they truly want. Remember that change is a journey, not a single event.”


  1. I have this book and am looking forward to reading more of it. Lovely coffeetable book with good advice!


Thank you!

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