Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A-Z Wednesday

A-Z Wednesday is a Weekly Event
hosted by Vicky at Reading at the Beach.

Welcome to A-Z Wednesday!!
To join, here's all you have to do:
Go to your stack of books and find one whose title starts with the letter of the week.
1~ a photo of the book
2~ title and synopsis
3~ link(amazon, barnes and noble etc.)
4~ Come back here and leave your link in the comments
If you've already reviewed this book you can the review also.
Be sure to visit other participants to see what book they have posted and leave them a comment. (We all love comments, don't we?) Who knows? You may find your next "favorite" book.
This week's letter is "D"

Dogs and Goddesses by ...
Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart, Lani Diane Rich

First off, this is not an anthology, it is a joint novel and it reads seamlessly.

my review
my Teaser Tuesday

Dogs and Goddesses at and at the publisher


  1. I really enjoy Jennifer Crusie's off-beat stuff and a collaborative novel sounds intriguing.

  2. I have this one. I haven't read it yet, and I almost featured it. But I couldn't make up my mind and I let pick a book for me.

    What drew me to pick up this book was Anne Stuart. I haven't read anything by Cruise.

  3. Its got to be funny with Jennifer Crusie.


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.