Monday, October 26, 2009

Christmas Reading Challenge

Michelle at The True Book Addict is hosting
The Christmas Reading Challenge

"In honor of the release of The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans today, I am announcing my first reading challenge ever...and it's a Christmas Reading Challenge! I know it may seem early (for people who are not Christmas fanatics, like me), but I want people to have plenty of time to decide what they want to read."

Nov 26 to Dec 31 (Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Eve)

Number of books:
1 - 3 books...I know it seems a small amount, but it's a busy time of year and the challenge is only a little over a month.

Type of books:
These must be Christmas novels, books about Christmas lore or a book of Christmas short stories (sorry, no children's books, but YA novel is okay).

other rules:
1. Blog about the challenge then link your post with Mr. Linky. This is my first time using it so if it doesn't work, leave your link in the comments.

2. Please leave a comment after you post your link in Mr. Linky.

3. Be sure to check back, I will have a list of new Christmas books coming out and some old favorites to recommend.

Want to join in? Sign-up here.

There were a couple of Christmas books that I didn't get to this summer during my Christmas in July challenge AND I just purchased The Christmas List.

1. The Christmas List - finished Nov 26
2. A Highlander Christmas - finished Nov 28
3. That Holiday Feeling - finished Dec 6
4. A Magical Christmas Present - finished Dec 8
4. Santa Clawed - finished Dec 20

and maybe one or two more...
A Dog named Christmas
Santa's Secret
The Christmas Jar
Christmas Jar Reunion - gifted
A Highlander Christmas
The Christmas Secret
The Christmas Cookie Killer

not my final list to pick an extra from, just the ones I remember off the top of my head. books added.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you signed up for the challenge! I hope you enjoy it...although it sounds like you might be a Christmas fanatic like me with the Christmas in July challenge so you probably will! I didn't start my blog until August so I missed that one, but if they have it again, I am SO there!

    I'm following your blog now =o)


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.