Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Review Book & a Giveaway

Title: The Manufactured Identity
Author: Heath Sommer
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Release Date: June 23, 2009
Pages: 305
Format: Trade Paperback
Genre: psychological thriller

from the back cover: Months after his mysterious disappearance from a routine fishing trip, no one realy expects over-the-hill Texas housewife Lory Latchley to find her missing husband-especially her husband. The Manufactured Identity is clinical sychologist Heath Sommer's ever-escalating immersion into the world of unlikely friends who each awaken to find their faithful companions missing without warning or reason. Desperate to find meaning in their pain, they are thrust by the auspices of fate into a common thread of mystery and human frailty. In the end, the fate of all may reside in the unstable hand of rookie pastor John Joe, but ultimately Lory and her newfound partners will uncover a truth so unnerving it makes even infidelity look palatable.

Special Thanks: Heath Sommer has sent me a copy for review and a second to giveaway!

Check out www.themanufacturedidentity If you'd like to read an excerpt.

Leave a valid email address (you at email dot net or something like that is best) with your comment. This is the only way I have to contact you so type carefully No email, no entry. Please put all entries in one comment.

ends: November 25 at noon PDT

extra entries:
+1 if you answer the question: What is your favorite vacation spot?
+2 become/are a follower - and state "I AM A FOLLOWER"
+3 blog about the giveaway and leave a link (sidebar is fine)

sorry, just the US this time

~Good Luck Everyone~


  1. Sounds intriguing! Thanks for the entry my email is:

  2. This sounds like a good read. Please enter me. :)

    My favorite vacation spot is Florida - on the beach. I just want to relax and read. :)

    journey through books @ gmail dot com

  3. This is on my TBR list, sounds so good. I'm international so not in contest but Capri, Italy is my favourite vacation spot.


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.