Monday, November 23, 2009

Challenge Update

I had gone through my challenges to see which ones were complete and which I had no hope of completing. I've already signed up for several more for next year and I'm having second thoughts. I like the idea of having a list of new books to read but have discovered that lists aren't working for me. Even the Random Reading Challenge isn't a good idea. I'm going to have to list the challenges I like but not sign up officially.

I KNOW I signed up for other challenges but I didn't list them on my challenge page so now I'm going to have to look for them, grrrr - found three more.

20 Books in 2009 - it was stupid for me to even sign up for this one! I mean, come on, 20 in one year? I read 20 in January!

100+ Reading Challenge - granted it says "+" and the year isn't over yet but I'm closer to 300 than 250 so I'm considering this one completed

2009 Pub Challenge - I read more books published in 2009 than I thought I would then when you add in review books? I had no problem hitting 9 but I'm not going to sign up again, I don't want to keep track of it.

A - Z Reading Challenge - I finally found where this one is and they're hosting it again for 2010. I had fun with this one.

August Reading Challenge - All you can read for August only. This was Pizza's first challenge, and if he does it again, I may be signing up.

Christmas in July - This one is mine and I'm hosting again in 2010. I better sign up!

Confuzzled Faerie Book Challenge - This one was fun. I have more books then I thought that fit in and found a new author.

Cozy Mystery Challenge - I love to read cozy mysteries but I didn't get the books reviewed! Next year I'll be much more careful about that.

Dewey's 24-Hour Reading Challenge - this was way too much fun. I hope to make some bookmarks as prizes for 2010 and read more than this time.

eBook Reading Challenge - this is like 20 in 2009, it was a joke to join because it was 10 in 2009! I'll continue to read ebooks, I just won't join the challenge.

In Their Shoes - I'll continue to read memoirs, just not officially as part of a challenge.

The Love Bites Reading Challenge - I liked this one but it's 3 books in 3 months with reviews so I don't think I'll do it again.

National Just Read More Novels Month - just novels, no re-reads. Maybe, maybe not.

New to You Authors - this one bumped me out of my comfort zone but the review books will do that now.

R.I.P. IV - I'll be joining this one and looking for books to read for it during the year

Reading through the Seasons - This one is mine. I'll be hosting again in 2010 with some changes. Which reminds me that I better get that posted!

Ride the Reading Wave - young adult. There are four levels with 12 being the minimum. Undecided about joining officially.

Romance Reading Challenge - 5 romance in 12 months? piece of cake

Summer Reading Challenge - as many as you can for the challenge period. undecided

Summer Vacation Reading Challenge - I loved picking out books for this one but she wants reviews and I didn't get them completed

Support Your Local Library - 25 is the minimum for 2010. I did over that this year but can I keep it up?

What an Animal Challenge II - I liked finding books for this one but with "title" one of the choices and me reading The Cat Who books.... I completed this one way ahead of time.

What's in a name? - I got stressed about this one. Will need to see what the choices are before committing to it for next year.

999 Challenge - Sure I would have loved to have completed this one but I did better than I thought I would but it's almost December and I still need 4 banned/challenged books, 7 health/fitness related and all 9 James Bond books. They were good categories in January but I lost site of the goal and never opened my James Bond gift set.

Be Inspired (self-help) - I had such plans and I failed completely.

The Christy Awards Challenge - it was a good idea but I just can't to it.

Clear Off Your Shelves - I've been re-reading old books, reading new purchases and review book. None of these fit in this challenge

Every Month is a Holiday - I like this idea, I just didn't make the time needed to devote to searching for each book. It would be nice to do and I hope the site stays up.

Royal's Romance Reading Challenge - I was able to read all but one of the books but didn't get any of the reviews completed.

Serial Readers - I joined when I started read the Valdemar books but quit when I realized the 9 books (3 trilogies) didn't count because I didn't want to read another three.

Young Readers Challenge - I could read the books but was having trouble post my reviews on a specific day.

100 Best Novels - I want to read or have some desire to read most of this list, I'm just glad there is no time frame.

Disney Literature Challenge - read the originals.

I Read Banned Books - I want to do this, just haven't yet.

Prey Challenge - this is my challenge but I haven't started. Can't get to my books.

PB&J Challenge - picture books and juvenile, want to re-read what I have at he house and decide what to keep and what not to.

Closed/not completing:
Banned Book Challenge - from The Pelham Public Library, in Fonthill, Canada. Don't know how I did, I never updated the post.

Christian Reader Challenge - I wanted to read 10 but only read 4. Not sure if that is a failure or not.

Fantastical Challenge - I didn't read this one very well, reviews seem to be my problem

The Genre Challenge - I discovered this one late and found that I have read a variety of genres. I just didn't get the required reviews done.

Harry Potter Reading Challenge - as much as I want to re-read the series, I'm not going to get them done in the time frame.

Herding Cats II - simple enough, I just haven't made the time to go searching.

Military Challenge - 1 out of 2, started the second so I may complete this one yet.

Non-Fiction Five - books read but not all of the reviews were completed

Random Reading Challenge - I can't even remember to do this with the books I have left.

Read Your Own Books Challenge - You would think this one would be a no-brainer but I've checked out a lot of library books....

Read-a-Fest: Lisa Jackson - this one came and went so fast, I think I had four others ending at the same time.

Reading My Name - The books were read but the reviews were not completed.

Re-Read Challenge - so I'm re-reading but not remembering the review or link!

Rescue Challenge - I did get rid of 6 books but I only read 1 of them before doing so

Romance Club Reading Challenge - I didn't "Read a romance from a sub-genre you don't usually read from" but considering how many sub-genres I read it was a difficult task just finding a book. I did, just haven't read it.

Sookie Stackhouse - I can't find my books

TBR Challenge - I just picked a bad list to begin with then in my excitement over review books and other challenges, forgot about these.

Arthurian Challenge - to March 2010

Cat Sleuth Challenge - to June 30, 2010

Chill Baby, Chill - Dec 21 to Mar 19

Christmas Reading Challenge - Nov 26 to Dec 31

Fall into Reading - Sep 22 to Dec 20

Holiday Reading Challenge - Nov 20 to Dec 31

Lisa Jackson Reading Challenge - to Dec 31, 2010

Pages Read Challenge - met goal in July

Reading through the Seasons - Jan 1 to Dec 31, this is mine & I need to do it.


  1. Thank goodness these aren't mandatory.... Good job for the ones you have done, and plan to.

  2. WOW! You certainly had a lot of challenges going on there. I can see why you wouldn't want to join any more. Sometimes they make reading feel like a job and that shouldn't be. Here's to a better new year!

  3. Yikes, that is a lot of challenges!! I signed up for my first...Fall into Reading...and am still trying to figure how it actually works. :O)

  4. I abandoned the 999 Challenge too. That was weeks ago. I realized I would never be able to complete it even though I've read over 100 books this year.

    Good luck with the rest that you're doing for this year!


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.