Monday, November 2, 2009

Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday is a Weekly Event hosted by
Marcia at The Printed Page
jump over to see what others have received this week.

Review books that have arrived this week:
a second copy of Defenders of the Scroll for a giveaway (January - hint, hint)
The Manufactured Identity
But Then Again I Could Be Wrong
Second Chances
Nine Things Nathan Noticed at Night
Red in the Flower Bed

wow, two weeks in a row! And a favorite came out with a new book? I must be coming down with something ;-)

and a big thank you to ....
Yvonne at Socrate's Book Reviews for Simon's Cat
Shauna's Books Giveaways
for Bone Warriors
Nicola at Back to Books for Houston, We have a Problema
I came in second for the Best Kidlit Review Scavenger Hunt! and won Dreaming Anastasia & Magic Keepers


  1. YOu had a busy mailbox this week, eh? And good for you for not purchasing anything either. As a fellow book buyer, I know how difficult that is!

    My mailbox is here.

  2. I'm curious about But Then Again I Could Be Wrong. Happy reading!

  3. Congrats on the books & the restraint from buying new ones.

    Enjoy your books!

  4. Good books!!

    Here's mine:

  5. Wow - you did have a busy mailbox. I just love Simon's Cat - my two year old likes to sit with me and look at the pictures, pointing everything out. :)

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  6. I get so frustrated when I need to return a library book before I have had a chance to read it, and then I need to wait again for my turn on the hold list...ugh!


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.