Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

10 Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2010

I thought this would be easy but some of the stuff is personal and some of the stuff is shallow.... If you'd like to join in, just think of your ten things and go to Ten on Tuesday. Next week's is up so you'll have some time to think about it ;-D

My Ten Things....

2. anniversary cruise
3. getting health/in shape
4. getting help for some medical issues
5. meeting more blogging friends ;-)
6. fixing up the "office"
7. a new computer
8. books
9. crafting
10. lots and lots of reading


  1. Sounds like 2 fun trips for you this year! And number 10 is no surprise, given the title of your blog. :)

  2. Hi! That's a nice list. Your #5 is my #8. :) This is promising to be a good year for you.

  3. hey meeting new blogging friend is in my list too!!

  4. none of it sounds shallow to me. We all need to do things for ourselves sometimes. Great list :)

  5. Wish I can have a cruise trip like you do. Maybe in the future? :)

    Cheers to a more fruitful year for all of us! I played as well -> http://www.joannemv.com/?p=523

  6. I plan to do more traveling this year too. :D

  7. Ooh lots and lots of reading!
    Sounds great.


Thank you!

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