Thursday, April 28, 2011

Purr-sday & Cat Thursday

a place to share the cute/funny/weird pictures I find while surfing....when I should be doing a whole range of things ;)

Someone has an actual meme for "Cat Thursday" so head over to The True Book Addict and see who else is sharing.

This is a Caracal. We went to San Diego Zoo's Safari Park this week and I LOVED this cat. He's a bird hunter and the ear tuffs help attract birds. The older the cat, the longer the tuffs. He can jump 12 feet into the air and take down multiple birds. The trainer asked the cat to sit and had just given him a reward, that's why the hand is being licked.

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm late! Love that cat. Those ears are wild! Thanks for sharing. =O)


Thank you!

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