Saturday, May 28, 2011

Reading Challenge - Anne McCaffrey

How could I have missed this one? I LOVE Anne McCaffrey and have been reading her books for over 25 years!
Challenge is hosted by Caroline
at Portrait of a Women
Information and sign-ups are here.

I do have a huge number of other books to read for challenges/review so I don't feel I can read ALL of the books Ms. McCaffrey has written, or even just the Pern series. I do want to re-read the Harper Hall trilogy. If time permits, I'll read others.

Harper Hall trilogy
1. Dragonsong - finished May 28 (early, early am)
2. Dragonsinger - finished May 28 (late, late pm)
3. Dragondrums - finished May 30

May 31: The Harper Hall trilogy has been read and this challenge is....


just because I've completed the challenge doesn't mean that I may not read some of the others.....especially if it would help with another challenge ;-)

Planet Pirates trilogy (Sassinak, The Death of Sleep, Generation Warriors)
Mystery of Ireta (Dinosaur Planet, Dinosaur Planet Survivors)
The Talent series (To Ride Pegasus, Pegasus in Flight, Pegasus in Space)
Rowan (part of the Tower and Hive series)
The Coelura
Nerilka's Story
An Exchange of Gifts
No One Noticed the Cat
If Wishes Were Horses
Black Horses for the King
The Crystal Singer series (Crystal Singer, Killashandra, Crystal Line)
The Petaybee Series (Powers That Be, Power Lines, Power Play)

oh, heck....just list them all ;-)

4. The Ireta Adventure - finished June 11
5. Get off the Unicorn - finished June 14
6. Dragongirl - finished September 17
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011


  1. Oh wow I can't believe I missed it either...and I just re-read most of the Tower and the Hive series! I need another challenge like I need a hole in the head but...Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hello there!
    Thank you for signing up for the challenge! I have just finished the Harper Hall trilogy and I really love these books!
    Enjoy re-reading them :)

  3. Zee - I'm sure you could count them if you read them this year ;) Hey, we're doing some of the same challenges!

    Caroline - I'm so glad you're hosting, I might not have re-read them this year otherwise


Thank you!

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