Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nudity: In the Night Kitchen

Nudity in a picture book? Well, the boy drops through the floor of his bedroom on the way to the "night kitchen" and he loses his clothes. Yup. HE. I'm sure most kids won't even notice that the boy has a penis. Actually, it doesn't look much like a penis, but the general shape and placement tell those who know that it is.

In the Night Kitchen

by Maurice Sendak

January 1996
ISBN: 9780064434362
40 pages

reading level: ages 3+

The child of the story is depicted floating from panel to panel as he drifts through the fantastic dream world of the bakers' kitchen.

I know I read this but I really wish I had written an actual review! I read it too long ago and it was a library book so I can't grab it off my shelves and re-read it. I remember his nudity coming up once during the book and I think it had something about going into space and he needed a space suit.

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011


  1. Would people rather he be disfigured by losing his penis too? LOL. Some people are way too sensitive.

  2. I read this one last year for Banned Books week... its a cute little read. Thanks for being a part of banned books week!


Thank you!

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