Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Challenge - Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz Reading Challenge
hosted by Birgit .... at The Book Garden

sign up here
No matter if you haven't read a book by him before or whether you know them all, this challenge is for both newbies as well as fans. It doesn't matter whether it's his latest novel or a re-read, every book with Dean's name on it counts! I'm a huge fan of Dean Koontz, so in my case it will be mostly re-reading, preferably of older books. If you should need some recommendations, don't hesitate to ask.
Odd Thomas' Mailman - 3 books
Odd Thomas' Neighbor - 6 books
Odd Thomas' Best Friend - 9 books
Odd Thomas' Stalker - 12+
Anyone may join. Just leave a comment with the following info:
Name / Blog (if you have one) / Chosen Level

I'll comprise a list with everyone and add it to this page!

Updates on the challenges will be posted on a regular basis and you may then comment with your own progress.

The challenge will take place between January 1st and December 31st 2012.

You can join any time between now and early 2012.

You have to pick a level, though you may "upgrade" to the next one at any time. In this case just drop me a line, so I can change your previous level.

You don't need to list your books ahead of time, though I won't object if you do. I'm definitely curious about your book choices for these challenges.

The books you choose may crossover into other challenges.

Both physical and eBooks are allowed.

Reviews of the books read are not mandatory.

I have several DK books sitting in my TBR purgatory but only know where three are right now! I wish I could read 6 but there are too many other challenges out there ;) If you need help deciding....check out his book list!

I'm going for Odd Thomas' Mailman and will read 3 books.

Plan to read:
1. Santa's Twin (box 60)
2. Robot Santa (box 24)
3. Mr. Murder (box 17)
Books Read:

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011


  1. Welcome to the Dean Koontz challenge! Had to smile when I saw you picked Santa's Twin - I must have read that one ages ago, well, maybe I'll put it on my book list for the challenge too :-) !

  2. It's a GREAT book :D

    also picked up two more at the thrift store


Thank you!

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