Sunday, July 22, 2012

High Summer Wrap-Up

High Summer Read-a-Thon!

I started the Read-a-Thon with lots of non-book plans and eight (print) books on my TBR stack. Plus a whole lots of ebooks ready to go.


I was able to complete most of my RL plans and did finish two books out of my stack but that was it! Challenges? nope. Tweet? a little. Total fail? almost!

Books Read
Protect and Defend by Vince Flynn (405 pages total, 209 for this RaT)
Lemon Tart by Josi S. Kilpack (436 pages total, 313 for this RaT)

oh, I also finished the on-line serial I was reading ;-)

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012


  1. Uh oh, I just realized that I didn't tweet at all! I'll have to mark that as a fail too. Heheh. But it was a fun read-a-thon. Congrats on finishing two books, and good reading to you!

  2. Haha, I think I tweeted once the entire time. :) Yay for finishing two books! I was lucky to not have much in the way of real-life commitments this week...and actually read This is Not a Test while my husband & friends played beer pong in our basement! Hahaha.

    Randi @ Cardigans, Coffee and Bookmarks

  3. Real life takes precedence. I learned that myself last week. I still think you did awesomely. =O)

    Thank you for joining me and I hope you will be with us again for FrightFall in October.

  4. I wouldn't call it a fail to finish two books!! Congrats on completing them!

  5. Ah, but see, now you've added two books to your life total of books read. THAT is pretty awesome. :)


Thank you!

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