Wednesday, October 10, 2012

R.I.P. Group Read Assignment: Graveyards


Group Read Assignment

Hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings

sign ups & more info here.

October's group read is The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

The family spent several days being tourists in the Los Angeles area last year. One day more South at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Whale watching out of Long Beach (I got seasick, yuk!). We spent time at The Getty (oh, excuse me, The J. Paul Getty Museum), Griffith Observatory, Walk of Fame, Wax Museum, and Grauman's Chinese Theater. Oh, wait, the assignment was graveyards wasn't it? Well, we did that too. So can you.

The area was tucked behind a parking garage, hidden by several tall office buildings, not very big but a quiet place to spend some time.

Don Knott's headstone was large and beautiful.

I have no idea why the coins were stacked up like that. He was a box like Marilyn, I just wanted a close-up of the coins.

Marilyn Monroe had coins wedged into the cracks around her box. Hugh Hefner is rumored to have a spot near by.

Ray Bradbury is there now but this was last year so there isn't an end date.

Some of the others...

 The oldest (1912) I saw and two funny epithets

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012


  1. Wow, that's really neat. I guess I never thought of so many famous people being buried in the same cemetery just because of where it is.

    i love the "weather permitting."

  2. Oh wow--I think I have to go there now! At least for Don Knotts and Ray Bradbury.

  3. What an interesting place! I totally have to check it out, next time I have people in from out of town who don't mind checking out tombstones :) What fun.


Thank you!

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