Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review or a Critique? Why I blog

I love blogging and for me it's mostly all about the books. What you're reading, what you're waiting for, what you love and what you don't. I like to share those things with you too.  In order to share I need to tell you about the book and what I thought of it. A new follower had the most wonderful post about how she feels about blogging with a link to an article "Review Or Critique, Which Is It?".

I use to be ALL about the books but there is more to life than books (I've recently and reluctantly accepted this as truth) and I want to read about that too. I want to look at your pictures and weekend cooking, your races and your family. Tell me about your school classes and your students, what crafts you're doing and before/after decorating pictures. I'm enjoying the peak into your world. I don't always comment like I should but I love lurking.

I am not qualified to critique your work. I've never said I was, haven't tried to. I base all my reviews on the experience I had as a reader. Sometimes I'm pulled out of the book by formatting, typos, strange wording and I may mention it in my review but that again is based on my experience as a reader. One book was a DNF simply because the ink was missing from several spots. Hard to read what isn't there! This was no fault of the author but it was still a DNF.

Head on over to Heather's blog, she said it so well.

Happy Reading, happy everything!

Gina, a book dragon
because books are a treasure worth protecting

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2013

1 comment:

  1. I find blogs because of a shared love of books, but I stick around because I get to know you as a person :)


Thank you!

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