Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mini-Challenge: April

Wacking Reading Challenges 
April 1 - April 30

hosted at GoodReads

From the host: Spring is here! To celebrate, we have a mini challenge. There are four tasks below relating to the Spring season. You may choose to complete a task, do a spell out challenge using any word/words you associate with spring, or you may do a combination of both. How much of the challenge you do is up to you. Just have fun!

Challenge Rules:
Books should be at least 125 pages. All formats are acceptable. Re-reads are fine--just be sure to re-read the entire book. When posting a book read, please include: title, author, and date you finished reading the book.

1. April Fools: – Read a book whose title ends in ‘L’ or ‘S’ – OR read the first book of a series – OR read book #1 or #11 from your TBR.

2. Spring Has Sprung: – Read a book by a new-to-you author – OR a book published in April – OR a Series or TBR book #2 or #20.

3. April Showers: – Read a book with raindrops or an umbrella on the cover – OR a book whose author’s first and last initials can be found in APRILSHOWERS – OR a Series or TBR book #4, #14 or #24.

4. Spring Fever: – Read a book with “spring” or “fever” in the title – OR a book with a flower(s) on the cover – OR a Series or TRB book #3 or #33.

Spell out words relating to Spring are listed below. You may use one of these words, or one of your own. Please feel free to use any word that relates to Spring for you. It does not have to be a traditional word for Spring. It can be anything.

April Fools Day
Spring Has Sprung
May Flowers
April Showers
Spring Fever

As always, many thanks to JenniferJ for the graphics!

Yikes! Of course, reading #3 from my TBR list won't work as I don't have an official list set up that way but I can try for one of the other things.

edit: question answered and requirements below fixed.

April Fools: – Read a book whose title ends in ‘L’ or ‘S’ – OR read the first book of a series

Spring Has Sprung: – Read a book by a new-to-you author – OR a book published in April – OR the 2nd book in a series

April Showers: – Read a book with raindrops or an umbrella on the cover – OR a book whose author’s first and last initials can be found in APRILSHOWERS – OR the 3rd book in a series

Spring Fever: – Read a book with “spring” or “fever” in the title – OR a book with a flower(s) on the cover – OR the 4th book in a series

~ Possibilities ~
Arrow's Fall by Mercedes Lackey (end in L or S, #3)
When We Met by Susan Mallery (April 29)
Home to Seaview Key by Sherryl Woods (flower/cover, #2)
and about nine new-to-me bought in the last six months!

~ Books Read ~
April Fools
Spring has Sprung
April Showers
Spring Fever

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014

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