Sunday, June 8, 2014

Book of the Year?

I'm coming to this late and may spend all month just figuring out which books to add the to brackets but I'm going to try this one and see how I do.
Book of the Year
bracket challenge

hosted at Erratic Project Junkie

for more information and to sign up, click here

Basically, set up a tournament bracket, fill in your books and start eliminating until you find your best of the best and the one book for 2014.

Now to figure out my 64 books.

update, June 8: There are 59 mainstream books on my list so far, if I take out the books that were re-reads, it leaves me with 43. Yikes!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014


  1. I see that you are a challenge lover like me! I'll be hanging out around your blog to pick up some more great books. Happy reading!!

  2. This one looks fun but I'm not sure about the rules. I'll have to do a little more investigating.


Thank you!

I have no idea why the captcha thing is showing up. I've got the setting marked "no" that I don't want it. Grrrrrr! But, I believe that if you skip entering anything it will post.