Friday, April 1, 2016

RaT - Spring into Horror

Spring into Horror
April  18 - 24

hosted by Michelle at Seasons of Reading
for more information and to sign up, click here

Seasons of Reading Facebook group here

This is a midnight to midnight RaT and it's CDT so adjust your start/end times accordingly. I'll be starting/ending my reading at 10 p.m., 17-24. Which is a good thing as we have plans to spend the 25 at Disneyland.

There is a whole page of guidelines so check that out but the main one for this read-a-thon is to read at least one scary-to-you book. I joined a yearly horror reading challenge so I've got to get at least one book read this year!

Can start reading at 10 p.m. on the 17th.
I was already asleep which is unusual. The 18th was spent at Disneyland with cousins from out of town.

Guess where I'll be on the 19th? Yup, Disneyland

Dang, I may be going Thursday too! Surely I can find one scary-to-me book to read this weekend!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2016

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're still joining us, Gina. If so, what are you going to read?

    Happy Reading!


Thank you!

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