Friday, April 22, 2016

S is for . . . picture heavy

Blogging from A to Z
April Challenge

hosted here

S is for Signs & Sayings
Signs are used for all kinds of things some are informative and some are funny. I've gathered a few signs . . .

I'm sure someone photoshopped the sign but it's still funny

found at my library.
Too True!
 We pass this sign (actually says Ganahl Lumber) on our way to Disneyland and when I finally decide I HAVE to stop and take a picture . . .
It seems to change every week and every week I forget to get a picture. The last one I remember was
Why can't all our problems happen when we're 17 and know everything

. . . . I also gathered a few sayings
I'm trying to make this the year of health and fitness (not going so well so far) and have gathered some saying to help motivate me

This one is something I call truth from fiction. Selorin and Orinakin are brothers and they live in a world where there are multiple Gods. This is the end of a conversation.
You may not want to "trust the gods" of this story, but trust your God.

I read a story online about a woman shaming another about buying formula because "breast is best" then saw this and it just screamed at me. I don't want you to judge my choices so I better not be judging yours!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2016

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