Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hosting - Banned/Challenged Books Reading Challenge

Banned/Challenged Books
Reading Challenge

Hosted here!

Basics: Read books that have been banned or challenged. Or you could read non-fiction books about censorship and/or banning books.

Details: There are different type of fires and stages within those fires so that's what I'm using for levels.

Reviews would be amazing, even if it's just telling someone about the book you read. Or if you're like me and most don't want to hear about another book, just write something up on GoodReads or LibraryThing. Or, you know, write a review for your blog ;-) Either way, I'll have a linky set up for your thoughts. Not sure if it will be monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Checking the books out of the library shows them that these books matter and they should continue to buy banned/challenged books for the library. Buying the books shows the publishers that they're worth publishing and tells the author thanks. Whichever way to do it, just read.

  • Read 1 book. You are an Ember. You're small but mighty just waiting to burn the structure down.
  • Read 2-6 books. You are Creeping. You're burning with a low flame and spreading slowly.
  • Read 7-12 books. You are a Blow-up fire. Sudden increase in fire intensity strong enough to upset control plans
  • Read 13+ books. You are Uncontrolled. Any fire which threatens to destroy life, property, or natural resources.

Why: Censorship has been going on for a long time and it is alive and well in this day and age. I believe in watching what my children read (when they're young) but I'm not going to tell you what your child can read and I'm not going to allow you to tell me what my child can read.

It has been reported that parents will ask to have a book taken off their child's classroom reading list when they haven't even read the book!

Where do I find out if a book has been banned: The American Library Association has lists. Lots of lists. I'm sure other countries do as well but I haven't looked them up yet. The ala does has a Banned Books Week every year so we'll do a read-a-thon in September at the same time.

What is the difference between banned and challenged? A simplified answer: A book must be challenged before it can be banned. A challenged book goes through the process but it left on the shelves or in the classroom. A banned book is removed. The American Library Association ( has Top Ten list per year of the report they receive. Most of the children's books challenged are because they are "unsuited for age group". I personally feel they make the parent uncomfortable.

Join us?

I'm working on getting you code to use for the challenge button

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2016


  1. Hi, I'm for this one, too. I love doing this challenge and am glad that you decided to take over as host. I'm trying for the highest level.

  2. Excited to participate in this one too! I have alot of banned books on my shelf that I have been meaning to get to!

  3. Thanks so much for taking over the hosting of this challenge! I am so glad it will continue even though it was time for me to step away. I love what you came up with for the levels too :) :)

  4. I'm joining this challenge and trying for the "Blow-up Fire" level this year. :) Thanks for hosting it!

  5. I just put my sign-up post up! Really excited to have a group to do this with, I read a few banned books this year but really want to increase the number now.

  6. I am joining this challenge and looking forward to read some interesting books.
    Thanks for hosting :)

  7. I am joining this challenge. The non-conformist and rebel in me just can't let this pass.

  8. Will you be doing this again next year?

  9. I didn't meet this goal, either. I read 10 of the 13 banned/challenged books that I signed up for. It's not bad, but I could have done better.
    -- Carrie @ Cat on the Bookshelf

  10. I love this idea! I try to read some banned books every year during banned books week anyway. Thanks for hosting.


Thank you!

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