Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Finds: Just One Wish

A Weekly Event hosted by mizb at Should be Reading.

... Just One Wish.

I found Bad Girls Don't Die on Melissa's Bookshelf (along with some other great "Friday Finds") and thought it interesting enough to add to my amazon wish list. Just One Wish came up as a "purchased with". The cover is so cute and light-hearted, and different, from Bad Girls Don't Die that I had to check it out. I've added this one to my shopping cart :-)

Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Release date: March 2009
Pages: 272/hardcover

From Booklist
Rallison has become known for her girls’ sports fiction, with light, breezy tones, sometimes didactic messages, and satisfying happy endings. Here she deviates from this formula, as 17-year-old Annika tries desperately to get TV-star Steve Raleigh, of Teen Robin Hood fame, to visit her six-year-old brother, Jeremy, before the brain-tumor surgery that may or may not save his life. Despite the circumstances, madcap adventures abound: Annika’s attempts to infiltrate the Burbank studio set during the filming of the show, disguised as an animal handler with a huge snake, are predictable but delightful. Her initial reaction to Steve is distaste and disgust—which means that soon enough they are a romantic item. However, what drives this story is not their romance, but rather Annika’s love for her little brother and the courage she displays as she tries to save him. The sibling relationship between Annika and Jeremy is both believable and heartrending—get out your handkerchiefs! Grades 7-11. --Debbie Carton

999 Challenge
New to You Authors
Pub Challenge
A-Z (J, if I don't read Just Breathe)

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Thank you!

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