Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weekly Geeks: Reading Challenges

This week's Weekly Geeks topic was suggested by
Sheri of A Novel Menagerie.

She writes:

"Reading Challenges: a help or a hurt? Do you find that the reading challenges keep you organized and goal-oriented? Or, do you find that as you near the end of a challenge that you've failed because you fell short of your original goals? As a result of some reading challenges, I've picked up books that I would have otherwise never heard of or picked up; that, frankly, I have loved. Have you experienced the same with challenges? If so, which ones? Do you have favorite reading challenges?"

I'm keeping track of what I'm reading and branching out of my comfort zone because of some challenges. Some of the challenges will not be completed on time but may be completed late. I don't feel like I failed but am disappointed in myself for not know my limits better.

I was new to the world of reading challenges and book blogging but have already starting to host challenges and am making plans for next year.

As far as whether challenges are a help or a hurt? I think I'm going to go with hurt. I'm spending more money on books, using the library too but really, I'm spending as much time reading as I was before but now I've added blogging! I think my family has forgotten what I look like ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I read for my own pleasure and at my own pace. My average is 12 books a month. Not bad, is it. Challenges stress me out so I simply chose not to complete all.

    WG: Reading Challenges


Thank you!

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