Friday, April 4, 2014

Fitness Friday and D is for . . .

I was intending to post last week exercise log every Friday but that hasn't been working out too well. If I exercise, I don't log it and sometimes my exercise isn't logable so there hasn't been a Fitness Friday in a while. Still working on it.

I usually eat my Chia seeds from a spoon with water but this smoothie adds Kale (a dark leafy green I won't eat by itself) and how can you go wrong with chocolate and coconut? This recipe can be found here.

Chocolate Chia Smoothie

1 cup ice
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 scoops of protein powder
1/2 frozen organic banana
Handful of kale

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

My husband had Monday off work so we headed to Disneyland!

D is for Disneyland.

It's a Small World is closed for renovations otherwise there would be too many people to get such a clear picture. 

This is a sneak peek of the Submarine ride from the Monorail line. The signs say Nemo will be back but I don't remember when, maybe Fall 2014.

Don't forget where you parked! Each floor of the parking garage has an escalator and they don't really connect.

All photos taken with my iPhone 5c

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014

1 comment:

  1. Interesting smoothie combo. I don't think I've ever had Chai seeds!

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.


Thank you!

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