Saturday, April 2, 2016

B is for . . .

Blogging from A to Z
April Challenge

hosted here

B is for Books
Well, duh, this is a book blog ;-) Yesterday as I was thinking of posts, this was going to be bananas but dang, I mostly took up running so I'd have something to talk about besides running!

I don't remember a time I wasn't reading. There was such a large space between me and the next sibling that books became my friends. Not to say I didn't have any friends but I'd much rather have been reading then playing. Maybe is was the bully mentality at my school? Of course, that's all hindsight ;-) I do remember my first grade teacher being involved but not the books she showed me.

This is a picture of the inside of a storage unit. All but maybe two of those boxes have books in them and one of them includes 5 WIPs. Oh, that's "works-in-progress" because yeah, I started writing.

In case you can't tell, these are office file boxes. The kind used to store last year files that you need to keep but don't have to have right on hand, sized for letter one way and legal the other. The really sad thing is that you can't tell I took all those books out of the house and I've still got more at home!

So, most have been read and while I love to re-read, I'm sure I don't need to keep all of those! There are also some that I've read once and don't think I'll read again. I need to donate those.

That's it for B. Have a GREAT day!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2016


  1. Can I just say...


  2. I love books although I don't have nearly as many as you. I do love keeping much loved favourites to re-read. My little grandson is two years old and I'm so pleased he has a love of books already. Books can take you to another world. Good luck with your WIPs. Sue @Sizzling60 from
    Sizzling Towards Sixty

  3. Books have been my friends too. It's as hard to part with them as with living breathing friends.
    Elizabeth Hein - Scribbling in the Storage Room

  4. Books have always been my friends and love your picture. Our garage has similar stacks but yours are much neater. Running and writing - always a good combination. Lots of time to think about the story before writing it down. :)

  5. :-) Your post pretty much sums up my thoughts!I am dreading purging those books because I worry I might just want to sit with one of them and there goes my day!

    Vidya Sury
    - having fun with cohost Damyanti's D's Company and four blogs in the #AtoZChallenge
    Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
    Be Healthy, Be Happy
    Life Hacks for Diabetics
    Life Hacks for Happiness

  6. I have a hard time giving up my reads. Once they're mine...they're mine. lol

  7. That's a lot of books! For the first time, this year, I've been purging books, so it'll happen eventually :)


Thank you!

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