Pages Read
Hosted here at The Lair
How many pages can you read this year?
This challenge isn't about how many books you read but rather how many pages. After all, it isn't fair that I might read 4 titles and another might read 2 titles but we've read the same number of pages!
There is one hard rule, one just for general courtesy, several guidelines and eight levels.
Hard Rules
- The book in question must have an ISBN or equivalent. If you can buy it or borrow it, it counts - which just means that all those on-line serials I read don't count ;-)
- When you sign up in the linky, put the direct link to your post. That way we can find it.
- You can list your books in advance or as you read them. You can also change your list.
- Any genre or length of book counts.
- Anyone can join, you don’t need to be a blogger, just let me know in the comments.
- Reviews are good but not necessary. Once again, you don't need to be a blogger, there are lots of places to post reviews. Hopefully, they'll link up so we can read them.
- You may move up a level but not down.
- Crossovers for other challenges count
- Books started before January 1st, 2017 don’t count - unless you start over ;-)
Bonsai - Read 12,000 pages
Shrub - Read 24,000 pages
Dwarf Peach - Read 36,000 pages
Apple Tree - Read 48,000 pages
Oak - Read 60,000 pages
Douglas Fir - Read 72,000 pages
Sequoia - Read 84,000 pages
Redwood - Read 84,001+ pages
Join us?
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2019
I am looking forward to participating again. Last year my goal was 24,000 and I ended up reading 32,000+ so I have upped my goal to 36,000. Hopefully I can reach that.
Hi, is reading ebooks counted? Sorry new to this lol
I often read books that, while serious literature, are so old they do not have ISBN. Some of these are huge! They cannot be counted?
I just added my link.
oh i needed this. I always feel guilty for indulging in books when there is work to be done elsewhere. This will be just the excuse I need! thank you.
I have never counted my pages before. It will be interesting to see how many I have read by the end of the year. Thanks for hosting!
I am not a blogger, but used my Goodreads URL. I am looking forward to this challenge.
I signed up with my Wordpress account. I love this challenge.
Hey there, I just joined the fun. This is my first time doing a challenge and I'm super excited.
I know that I signed up late for this but I just signed up and I hope to read Bonsai level, at the very least.
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