I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.
I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.
Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)
Wonderfully Wicked
October 17 - 27
hosted by April and Pabkins at
My Shelf Confessions
sign-ups and info,
The Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon is a time when we all get together to dedicate the days of October 17-27 to as much reading as possible. You read as much as you can in order to get yourself a little further through that huge to-read pile! We know real life gets in the way and even if you can’t participate more than one day, you’re welcome to join in on the fun!
In the meanwhile, we will be hosting book-related challenges where you can win some awesome prizes and have a Twitter party at the hashtag #WWReadathon! You can posts updates on your blog, Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook or even YouTube — as long as the profile is public and we all can enjoy your reading progress! Make sure to link to the site where you’ll be sharing your posts/updates with us.
I don't have a list ready to post but I'm working on the one for RIP IX as well as my fall reading challenge.
~ Books Read ~
91 - The Winter Courtship Rituals of Fur-Bearing Critters by Amy Lane
180 - How to Raise an Honest Rabbit by Amy Lane
~ Pages Read: ~
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014
Come Sit a Spell
Sep 22 to Dec 20
hosted here at the Lair
Details: Make this your own! Have a stack of library books? Finish them!
Have a pile of guilty pleasure books? Read them! There are no set
rules,just enjoy your reading!
I'll try and remember how to do the code for the picture
Come join me?
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014
RIP Read-a-Long
The Haunting of Hill House
hosted at
The Estella Society
Discussion starts October 1
The book is only 208 pages but you'll need to get your copy (mail, store, library, find it on your shelves. . .) and get it read!
I've got mine coming from the library!
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014
R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril IX
Sep 1 - Oct 31
hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings
sign up
My first time with this challenge was 2009 then I missed 2010. I've done fairly well since then but there are several books that were on my list to read that still aren't read!
Carl has so much to say, and says it so well that you really need to read his whole post to appreciate just how fantastic he is.
Art used for the banners this year are the property of Abigail Larson, check out her
shop for other products
(click the title, I haven't figured out why the read more link isn't showing up yet)
I'm learning some new stuff and doing some housework behind the scenes (whether I want to or not) so posts may be showing up.
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
Don't forget to link up your list
There was one review book received, 16 books listed as purchased (only 13 covers) and 29 books read during July. O_o
Lists, covers and book info after the jump
. . . except the "read more" isn't showing up grrrr. Just click on the title of the post for now and everything will/should show up.
let's try . . .
how about
In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.