Wow, what a week! I had posts scheduled but was unable to link or visit and I missed you. The whole thing started on April 3rd but didn't get interesting until the following week.
Sun. Apr 3 - call in for Jury Duty, do not need to report on Monday.
Call Mon, do not need to report on Tuesday.
Call Tue, do not need to report on Wednesday.
Now, by this time, I'm excited and thinking I won't need to go in at all and am looking forward to having lunch with friends on the 15th and spending time with my Mom since she was going in for knee surgery the next day.
Call Wed, report at 7:45 am on Thursday. What? I don't do mornings! So I gather stuff to do (several books) and set three alarms ;) Actually, I'm okay with this, prior times I hadn't had to go in at all but once I had to report on Friday.
I made it on time and sat around reading Thursday morning. Watched a video about jury service and a judge came in a gave us a "pep talk" about how important it was for us to be here. After lunch Thursday, settling in for an afternoon of more reading but no computer, a group of us are called to head to a court room. Cool, I've never made it this far.
I'm one of the first ones called to the potential jury area. Dang, now I'm going to have to pay attention and I put my book away. 18 out of 39 called and questioned. 6 removed. Call and question 6 more. 5 removed. Both attorneys happy with the jury AND with having only one alternate. I'm still sitting there and am now on a jury for the first time and it is now Friday morning. First witness after lunch.
For those of you who have made it this far....thank you. Sorry, no trial details in this post. I did visit my Mom but she was so out of it I don't know if she remembered I was there.
Monday: witnesses and out to dinner.
Tuesday: witnesses and to a women's group activity. THIS is where my week gets really interesting! A guest speaker came in to talk about First Aid in regards to in earthquake preparedness. There was also displays of different type of 72-hour kits and food made from emergency rations. (explanation: our church members are encouraged to have a years supply in case of emergencies. Food and water being the main ones but also back up medications, clothes, money, hygiene supplies....)
The bread was made for stored whole wheat and I love bread so guess what I went for? I was in a hurry? Distracted? Doesn't matter, what matters is don't be! The knife was SHARP and my thumb was in the way. Grab napkin, apply direct pressure, head to the guest speaker since he is a trained paramedic. A good third should have had stitches but the rest of the cut is too close to the nail. He taped it up and I went home, after picking up supplies.
Wednesday: The injury area got wet and I re-taped it. I didn't do as good of a job on myself because it started to bleed on my notes! Let's back up some......I woke up on time in the morning then reset my alarm. I realized what a bad idea this was when I finally got up, stiff and hurting! I had thrown my back out while sleeping and struggled to walk. So hunched over, I slooowly made my way to the court house.
Any other time, I would have gone back to bed or found a comfortable place to sit for the day but noooo, I had some place to go.
This turned out to be a good thing. We were let out two hours early!!! I headed to my chiropractor then to have my thumb looked at.
Thursday: I can walk! Not only was I able to get back in alignment, I was given a wrist splint which I adjusted to protect my thumb. Waking up for jury duty may have been awful but waking up pain-free was fabulous!
Friday: reached a verdict. Guilty of a felony, on both counts. Family ruined? And to top it off, it was all preventable! The dad overreacted and it lead to a physical altercation which, in turn, lead to an arrest and trial. Justice was done but...
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011