looks like next year the challenge posts will not start with reading ;)
I like to have a place for everything and everything in it's place. I know, if you've been in our home you won't believe me because I have TOO MUCH STUFF!
When I was first married, there was one bedroom and no garage/storage, then three-bedrooms and a carport/storage. Now there are four-bedrooms and a two-car garage. Not only has the "stuff" expanded to fit the space - it is overflowing!
How fortunate to see Melissa's post at
The Betty and Boo Chronicles. Her comments about the frustration of putting "declutter" on your new year's resolution list, again and again, really struck home with me. She is going to do it this year and we get ring-side seats!
She wants to "throw out, recycle, or donate" 2,011 things this year. Even if she doesn't make it, there will be a dent! Soda cans/bottles and last week's leftovers don't count but that homework paper from two years ago counts as one. So does the expired Border's coupon you didn't use. Cool, huh?
I'll join in but I'm not going to list everything like Melissa is. Check out the
specific post and see how she's doing.
As I was telling my daughter about this, I called it an odyssey and then said, I didn't really call it that. She said I should have. I guess she's right. This will be a long eventful journey, often filled with hardships. ;)
odyssey progress:
so far...
I've been carrying around an extra 52 pieces of paper between my wallet and purse. GONE! I'm just happy I didn't just toss them, I found $25 :grin: The flip side is that if the papers hadn't been there, the money couldn't hide....
All the Christmas decorations, except the tree, are boxed up. Not exactly gone but at least they're "in their place"
I have four books ready to donate
recycled an unused planner calender from 2005 ...
yikes!recycled a telephone directory for a planner size I no longer own
finally, tossed the grocery bag of "office paper" in the recycle bin, paper bag too - going to count as one ;)
three gift bags/boxes are now in their place ;)
recycled the tissue paper, I don't need to count each piece do I?
two more items put away
three more papers recycle that would have been 'kept' before, not because I needed them just not 'tossed'
recycled Ikea catalog.....from 2003!
five more papers recycled
17 more items recycled, filed, trashed or put away :)
Feb. 16
"filing" books and threw away about 20 pieces of paper/sticky notes being used as bookmarks
sigh, threw away a book. Actually I recycled it - manual for a broken Palm
hey - recycle the Palm! There is a e-waste Saturday so the broken Palm & CD player as well as a replaced TV goes, that's another 3 items :D
recycled 3 odd size shipping boxes
recycled 23 copies of a crossword puzzle for a family reunion (filed one)
50 papers recycled. I do the bulletin for our Sunday services and each week required two papers. Why was I keeping these? I know I was, they were paper clipped together!
10 items: 8 papers, a 13 page bound booklet (8.5x11), and 1 large envelope to hold it all. Small potatoes? It was a uncompleted survey from middle school - the kid is 21!
22 papers for BSA summer camp, from 2007
105 miscellaneous receipts, notes, and catalogs.
And the grocery sack they were in.
1 late bill paid
I think I'm liking this challenge, 300+ items tossed, recycled, filed, donated, or paid! I really don't know if it would all have been done this soon after Jan 1st if not for the challenge. Thanks Melissa!
April 30:
48 more books to donate
25 pages of book notes/lists
51 misc papers; receipts, homework, statements of closed accounts...
May 3:
1 more book
2 catalogs
37 misc papers/sticky notes
May 4:
2 directories (80 & 97 pages)
57 misc papers/sticky notes
1 bookmark found and put away
1 fabric sample tossed (from 4 years ago?)
26 misc papers/receipts
Important note. I went to the grocery store on Saturday and not only did I NOT save the grocery list, I threw away the receipt! Usually these get tossed in my purse then on a table next month then maybe a box before being thrown away. I know it was only three papers but it is an important step.
sigh, we have a water leak. The plumber is going to be working on the pipes tomorrow so the space had to be cleared. He needs the wall behind a dresser that has stuff all over it! While moving stuff out of the way....
tossed 2 pens
a strip of coupons (expired 9-2010)
2 batteries
10 magazines (didn't even flip through them!)
"happy meal" bucket (Halloween! I haven't eaten at MickeyD's in
deflated balloon (??)
3 votive candles that no longer smell like banana nut muffins
a, at one time, very nice hard sided gift bag
and....an empty cardboard dip package that was hiding under the
angel food cake (still moist) that we served on Memorial Day
put away the pot the cake was hiding under ;-)
Yea, another 24 items!
update: 9-3
total so far is 575 items
I know there are more because I lost a list but I'm so happy with my progress so far.
later on 9-3: cleaned out my purse and was able to toss 24 notes, coupons and/or receipts
Dec 15: another 124 notes, receipts, sales circulars, expired coupons! Eleven more papers and 9 magazines
total so far.....743. Too bad most of these a papers. I'm mean, I'm glad they are gone but I need bigger stuff!
Cleared out craft drawers but there is no way to figure out number of items :-(
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011