A Winter's Respite
RaT starts at 12:00 CST on the 23rd and ends at 11:59 CST on the 29th
There will be (a) mini-challenge(s) and a giveaway
book length: Novellas/Novels
Young Adult or Adult (no children's books)
Twitter #WintersRespite
me at Twitter #bookdragonslair
The Winter's Respite Read-a-Thon is over. I had a list of three books when I started. One for a specific date review (finished), one print and one ebook, both for fun and challenges. I may not have purchased The Deacon but it sounded good and was a free download. The other, A Cookie Before Dying is book two of a series. I thoroughly enjoyed book one and was looking forward to book two.
So, my Original list:
The Deacon (kindle on my laptop)
Nitt Witt Hill (print)
A Cookie Before Dying (print)
last post's Current Status list, modified:
The Deacon (kindle on my laptop) location 541 of 8240
Nitt Witt Hill (print)- finished (reviewed too)
A Cookie Before Dying (print)page 173
Time Slice (print) page 63
A Three Dog Life (print)- finished
Always (kindle on my touch) location 283 of 2563
Virgin River (print) - finished (Fri early am)
Hidden Summit, page 109
Great Short Poems, jumped around...Purple cow anyone?
Mini-Challenges: kept forgetting about them
Tweets: remembered some
Won a book!
Planned to finish three.
Started 9, finished 3. Not the same 3 as I started with but still finished 3 books. A couple more hours and I'll have Hidden Summit finished ;)
Thanks Michelle, that was fun. I hope to do it again next year, and remember the mini-challenges!
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012