Summer ReadaThing
July 26 to August 2
I'm on the West coast of North America so my start and end time is 5 a.m. This is not a read-a-thon, what they want is to have us sign up for a specific time slot so that during that week, someone, some where, will be reading.
I'll be on vacation but my time will not be my own so I've signed up as a "no timeline reader". Still haven't figured out where to list books read but I will.
Why don't you join us? Information and sign-ups are here
Books I'm taking on vacation with me
1. Brave New World2. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
3. Room
4. Heaven is for Real
5. the Eighty Dollar Champion
6. A Killer Read
7. Pies and Prejudice
8. Chihuahua of the Baskervilles
9. It Sucked and Then I Cried
plus my laptop with the Kindle app :D
Twitter: @bookdragonslair
I'm at LibraryThing as BellaMariposa, here
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012
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