Contents of blog copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2023
I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.

I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.

Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013 with 5 Minutes for Mom

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

If your not sure what the Ultimate Blog Party is, head over to 5 Minutes For Mom where the party is happening at. There are links to join up with your blog and/or social media. There are a variety of blogs from Mom Blogs with/without product reviews to Opinion blogs and specialty blogs.

If you’re visiting from the UBP, Hi! I’m Gina, stay at home mom of adult children. I enjoy reading (almost anything!), crochet, counted cross stitch, sewing, quilting, and scrapbooking. Most I haven't done as regularly as I'd like. I have a love/hate relationship with housework and laundry and am learning to love the gym. I'm a recently diagnosed Diabetic so time spent working out is even more important.

I've been married for just over 27 years. My husband and I have two children. A girl, 26 and a boy, 23. We're currently owned by two cats, a brother/sister who visited for a week with their Mom and siblings while their family was out of town, and never left. We've had a variety of pets, including the almost required dog and fish but also a rat, bunnies and desert tortoises.

I was active in the schools when my children were attending but spend most of my time reading now. Or farming (FarmVille/Facebook), surfing around on Pinterest or LOLCats. I'm active in our church as is my husband.

My husband is in the transportation field (highway construction), our daughter in the the funeral business (embalmer), our son has yet to decide what he wants to be when he grows up.

I started blogging in 2009 so I could join reading challenges and most of my blog posts will be about books. New ones in the house (Monday), reviews, spotlights and quick thoughts when I finish one. So many bloggers have great reading challenges out there that there's no way I could do them all but I'm trying ;-) Some of my posts may be food, exercise or health related. Or just a pretty picture I took. We take one big vacation each year, alternating extended family reunions, as well as little ones as needed so I'm hoping you'll see lots of pictures when we get home.

Visit me on pinterest (mainly books and running) and twitter (sporadically)

Thanks for stopping by The Lair!

Gina, a book dragon
because books are a treasure worth protecting

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2013

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In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.