Contents of blog copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2023
I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.

I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.

Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Read-a-Thon! Good Coffee/Good Books

Drink good Coffee
Read good Books a-thon

hosted at Must Read Faster

to sign up, click here

So I am slowly falling behind on my TBR stack, and well...that's never a good thing. (Doesn't help I keep BUYING new books, but anyhoodle!) So what's a gal to do? Well if you are a nerdlette like me, you make your own freaking read-a-thon!

So what if you do it by yourself! You gotta warm up your eye holes for the October thon anyways!

So starting now (3pm CST) until Midnight (ish) on Sunday, I will be risking my eye sight to cut down my TBR stack! Reading and drinking insane amounts of caffeine and nerding out! You CAN read with me, or you can just point and laugh as I slowly slip into a reading/caffeine induced insanity! Your call! 

I found out too late to start on the 26th but I've still got a couple of days! My tbr pile is huge but so is my review pile and the stack of books from the library I'm going to try for two books and see if I can get both of them read.

1. The Sixteen by Ali B.
2. Cover Your Eyes by Mary Burton
3. Nightmares Can Be Murder by Mary Kennedy  (yes it's new but it got buried!)

Starting: 5:15 am PDT

Book 1:

FAIL mostly

I did get a spotlight post up so you know what The Sixteen is about. Should have done that with the others too.

I did get lots of reading in but it was on an online serial, no isbn, no count :-(

I hope Melissa decides to do this again.

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014

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In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.