Contents of blog copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2023
I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.

I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.

Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Every Month a Holiday

edited Nov 18: I give up. I didn't forget about the challenge, I just haven't done anything about it and will have to abandon it for the foreseeable future. I think it's a great idea and hope the site stays up so I can try it again later.

...or birthday, or celebration.... This is a perpetual challenge so I jumped in. CCDPiper has posted the rules, etc... here. And just in case; :)

"I am going to post by month, what holiday takes place in said month and the person may then choose what book they would like to read. And believe me, it is easy. For example, the month of Emmet Kelly's birthday (he is a clown) a person may choose to read about clowns, a circus, etc, Like Water for Elephants." And since Emmet was born in Peru, Ind., you could read a regional book as well.

"The challenge is one book per month, but it does not have to be in any order." This sounds great except I joined May 13 and have already read April's book. I've only got two weeks to read May's book!

April: Anne McCraffrey's birthday - The Masterharper of Pern (completed 4-3)

May: Armed Forces Day & National Military Appreciation Month - Soft Spots
also, National Missing Children's Day - After Etan (completed 5-30)
After Etan completed 5-30, reviewed

I'll try for something about Summer Solstice or authored by George Orwell or Pearl S. Buck

Hitchhiking Month - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Make a Difference to Children Month, Chocolate Chip Day, Friendship Day, Garrison Keillor & my anniversary

Banned books-celebrate the freedom to read, Deaf Awareness Week

Pastor Appreciation Month - Dark Moon (written by a Pastor)



January 2010:



I'm not sure about the list. I need to check the list of holidays in more depth.

1 comment:

jessi said...

Hi! This is Jessi, host of the Dream King Challenge. I am so sorry I'm so late getting back to you about joining the challenge! If you'd still like to participate, send me an e-mail at xjessideex[at] and I'll send you an invite to post on the challenge blog. Thanks!


In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.