I feel like this is what my books would look like if I actually owned all the titles on my perpetual challenges list!
I've got to cross some of them off my list, I started some of these in 2009 and feel like there has been no progress
1. List your perpetual challenges.
2. pick a book for each challenge to read in 2012. Overlaps are okay.
100 Best Novels first goal101 Fantasy Books (book list)
Banned/Challenged Books, update page!
Card, Orson Scott
Disney Literature
PB&J (P.icture B.ooks & J.uvenile) update page, keep reading & update as you go!
John Sandford's Prey series (book list)
PLUS, Redwall, Landover & Cedar Cove!
~*~Books to Read~*~
311 Pelican Court - Cedar CoveBrave New World - 100 Best Novels & Banned/Challenged
Eyes of Prey - Prey
Hidden Empire - Orson Scott Card
Hunger Games - 101 Fantasy Books & Banned/Challenged
Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold - Landover
The Once and Future King by T.H. White - Disney Lit
Picture Books & Juvenile
Redwall - Redwall
~*~Books Read~*~
Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey - PB&JThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - PB&J, 101 Fantasy Books, Banned/Challenged
Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey - PB&J
Dragondrums by Anne McCaffrey - PB&J
The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin - PB&J
The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card - Cardathon
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011
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