Contents of blog copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2023
I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.

I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.

Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Monday

Started by Marcia, Mailbox Monday is a place to share all the wonderful books that have come to live in your home; print, electronic and audio. Stop by the blog to see who else has posted. Just be prepared for the side effect of a growing TBR list/pile!

~ here are the new books in my house this week ~
Halloween Hijinks by Kathi Daley
A Zoe Donovan Mystery, September 2013, paperback, Recipes!

Amid a backdrop of zombies on the run and Halloween festivities, animal control officer Zoe Donovan is faced with losing something she loves in order to save someone she loves when she finds a dead body in the basement of a haunted house just two days before Halloween. With the help of her best friends, Levi and Ellie, and her dog Charlie, she delves into a mystery as complex and multilayered as the feelings she develops for her ex-nemesis Zak Zimmerman. Halloween Hijinks is the perfect recipe, combining holiday fun with a touch of humor, a pinch of romance, and a dollop of murder.

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Art of Purring by David Michie
November 2013

What makes you purr?
Of all the questions in the world, this is the most important. It is also the great leveler. Because no matter whether you are a playful kitten or a sedentary senior, a scrawny alley Tom or a sleek-coated uptown girl, whatever your circumstances, you just want to be happy. Not the kind of happy that comes and goes like a can of flaked tuna but an enduring happiness. The deep-down happiness that makes you purr from the heart.

Before leaving for a teaching tour to America, the Dalai Lama poses a challenge to his beloved feline, HHC (His Holiness’s Cat): to discover the true cause of happiness. Little does she know what adventures this task will bring!

A hair-raising chase through the streets of McLeod Ganj leads to an unexpected revelation about the perils of self-obsession. An encounter with the mystical Yogi Tarchen inspires a breakthrough discovery about her past—one with dramatic implications for us all. And overheard conversations between ivy-league psychologists, high-ranking lamas, and famous writers who congregate at the Himalaya Book Café help her explore the convergence between science and Buddhism on the vital subject of happiness.

Sparkling with wisdom, warmth, and a touch of mischief, The Dalai Lama’s Cat and the Art of Purring is a charming reminder of why HHC is becoming one of the most-loved cats around the world. So what is the true cause of purring? The Dalai Lama whispers this secret on his return—only for the ears of HHC and those with whom she has a karmic connection . . . that, dear reader, means you!

The Cats that Surfed the Web by Karen Golden (GoodReads)
 December 2, 2013, ebook

Forty four million dollars. A Victorian mansion. And a young career woman with cats. The prospect sounded like a dream come true; what could possibly go wrong? How could a friendly town’s welcome turn into a case of poisoning, murder, and deceit? When Katherine “Katz” Kendall, a computer professional in New York City, discovers she’s the sole heir of a huge inheritance, she can’t believe her good fortune. She’s okay with the clauses of the will: Move to the small town of Erie, Indiana, check. Live in her great aunt’s pink Victorian mansion and take care of an Abyssinian cat, double-check. With her three Siamese cats and best friend Colleen riding shotgun, Katz leaves Manhattan to find a former housekeeper dead in the basement. Ghostly intrusions convince Colleen, a card carrying “ghost hunter,” that the mansion is haunted. Several townspeople are furious because Katherine’s benefactor promised them the fortune, then changed her will at the last minute. But who would be greedy enough to get rid of the rightful heir to take the money and run? Four adventurous felines help Katz solve the crimes by mysteriously “searching” the Internet for clues.


I haven't received any review books, won any contests or received any books as a gift. I have added several to my ereader, most were even free.

added to my ereader: (kindle app, html, etc.) ~ I find out about free/discounted ebooks at amazon mostly from Pixel of Ink. I do go through the Top 100 at amazon once in a while. I'm getting better at pinning my new ebooks, 2014's books

What are you Reading?

A weekly Monday meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Post what you read last week and what you're planning to read this week then link to Shelia's post. Then visit others and be prepared to add to your TBR pile!

Burning Up the Ice by T.A. Chase and Devon Rhodes
Hope Flames by Jaci Burton
Malting by Sean Michael

Books stacked by my reading chair:
My Familiar Dragon by Daniel Hood
Hope Flames by Jaci Burton
Sweet Laurel Falls by RaeAnne Thayne
The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
Zero Day by Mark Russinovich
. . . and about 20 unread library books

Started in 2013 but not finished until 2014:
What the Duke Desires by Sabrina Jeffries (on page . . .)
Pegasus by Kate O'Hearn (on page . . .)
Dragonwriter edited by Todd McCaffrey (on page . . .)
Mischief and Mistletoe, anthology (on page 312/402)
Jockeys and Jewels by Bev Pettersen (ebook - 21% read in 2013)
Home for the Homicide by Jennie Bentley (on page . . .)
A Lady Chosen by Stephanie Laurens (ebook - 42% read in 2013)

Latest Review Books:


Did Not Finish, may try again later:

Happy Reading!

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

lol I'm liking the kitteh theme! That Cat the Surfed the Web looks pretty good! Hope you enjoy your new pretties :)

Serena said...

This title made be smile: The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Art of Purring by David Michie

gautami tripathy said...

What a title! Great mailbox! Hope you enjoy your books!

Here is my post.

Here is my post.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

The cozies look fun!

collettakay said...

Good luck with those 20 library books :) Here's my post:


Leydy said...

Those are interesting books.

Check out what we are reading this week.

Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings


In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.