Water Witch
Deborah LeBlanc
Publisher: Leisure Books
Release Date: September 2008
format: mass market
pages: 290
genre: mysterious thriller/horror
from the publisher
Dunny knew from an early age what it meant to be an outsider. Her special abilities earned her many names, like freak and water witch. So she vowed to keep her powers a secret. But now her talents may be the only hope of two missing children. A young boy and girl have vanished, feared lost in the mysterious bayous of Louisiana. But they didn't just disappear; they were taken. And amid the ghosts and spirits of the swamp, there is a danger worse than any other, one with very special plans for the children -- and for anyone who dares to interfere.
My thoughts
Read during daylight hours, with the lights on.
Dunny has an extra finger, that finds things. A lost locket, a lost doll, the lost cat (found dead), a water well on an Aunt's property, an oil well on Grandpa's farm, lost children. Lost Children? Like the cat? Well, we hope not!
Dunny's sister is a teacher and two of her students are missing. People have searched but now fear they're lost in the bayous. Dunny doesn't really want to help, people are finally leaving her alone and she doesn't want the crowds hounding her. Again. But between the love of, and for, a sister and the strange actions of a stray dog, off she goes to Louisiana.
Interspersed with chapters of Small Town Louisiana, are chapters with Olm. Olm wanted the knowledge of his forefathers but learned what happens when you misremember rituals and take shortcuts. This happens at the beginning of the book and the rest of the time is him trying to fix or undo what he's done. Olm is just plain creepy and at one point I moved chairs so I didn't have my back to the window. ;-)
The town is filled with strange, creepy and mysterious characters, including the bayou.
This is not a book I would normally pick up but am thrilled I was given a chance to review it. I loved the interaction between characters - even the dog. And the ending? Fantastic. Ms. LeBlanc is a published author so you would expect this to be a well thought out story. But her research & skill has produced a read-with-the-lights-on-but-not-gory story. I'll reach for her when I'm ready to be scared again.
My Rating: 4
This was a review book sent to me free of charge with no obligation but to read and review honestly.
Water Witch sounds like the perfect October read, terrifying and something to read during daylight.
Nice to see you enjoyed it!
Oh this sounds good! Must write this down on my list somewhere.
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