9-26-09 to 10-3-09
This is ALA's Banned Books week and I only need to read ONE book. I might as well join, it will overlap two other challenges.
9-1-09 to 4-26-10
Read/watch six books/movies by or inspired by Shakespeare
Operation Actually Read the Bible
It's been a while since I went all the through, time to do it again.
there are five levels of participation but... I'm going to read one book (winner or finalist) from each year, from 1950 on.
there are 73 unique works by Poe - read them all
challenge lasts as many months as letters in your name - starts when you sign up.
1) Write down your first name (or whatever name you usually go by)
2) Do any or all of the following (i.e. do 2a and/or 2b and/or 2c):
2a) For each letter, pick an author whose last name starts with that letter.
2b) For each letter, pick an author whose first name starts with that letter.
2c) For each letter, pick a book that starts with that letter.
Disney Literature YES
"works based on feature length films that are completely or partially animated"
The idea is to read the original story
PB & J Challenge YES
"Is it a traditional challenge? Yes and no. If you want to set a goal for yourself then yes it can be a traditional challenge. 12 picture books and 4 kids books (j fic) in three months or six months or whatever. But if you want to look at it as an ongoing, perpetual "challenge" then you may do that as well!"
I'm going to consider this a perpetual challenge and combine it with another challenge to re-read all the picture books in my house.
Reading in Order
you've got to check this one out - read all the books in your stacks in alphabetical order! Well, that 's one of the choices, check out the link for others.
Penguin Books has an imprint of popular books - read them all - there are 99 right now.
Book a Week Yahoo Group YES
open to new member year round. I think I do this, it will be neat finding out it I do.
"A-book-a-week is a personal challenge group where members are encouraged to try to read at least one book a week. We share any thoughts we have on what we are reading and support each other in the goal of reading a book a week."
8/1/09 to 12/31/09
1. A book featuring an animal
2. An adult fantasy book
3. A YA or juvenile fiction book
4. A non-fiction book on an obscure topic (or something you don't usually read about)
5. A book about plants, gardening, or food
8/28/09 to 8/8/10
Read 3.14 or 8 books (or audio books) of the science-fiction genre
Read It Again
re-read old favorites
Do I want to make this official?
The Nattie Chalenge
keep checking on this one to see what the new challenge is.
Book Awards 3
"Are you up for a third? The challenge for Book Awards 3 will be slightly different. First of all, it will only last for 5 months, from July 1 through December 1, 2009. That is because Book Awards 4 will be from February 1 through December 1, 2010."
watch out for FOUR!
Project Fill-in the Gaps
now to 12-31-14
1.list of 100 books "to fill in some of her reading gaps of classics and great contemporary fiction"
2. read 75 of them
This might fit in with a couple of other challenge and it will give me a solid list and a fixed time frame. Almost 20 books a year? Maybe not.
Arthurian Challenge YES
4-1-09 to 3-31-10
Goal: To read books starring characters found in or inspired by Arthurian legends.
yea! movies okay!
George Elliot
1-1-09 to 6-1-10, yes I'm late but it's only two books and one of them is already on my list of maybe books. Changed mind
* Adam Bede, 1859
* The Mill on the Floss, 1860
* Silas Marner, 1861
* Romola, 1863
* Felix Holt, the Radical, 1866
* Middlemarch, 1871-72
* Daniel Deronda, 1876
watch for the one next year!
A Colorful Reading Challenge
January 1 - December 31, 2009
1. Read 9 books with 9 different colors in the title.
2. Six colors are required, while the last 3 can be your choice.
3. Books may be overlapped with other challenges.
4. At least 6 of the books should be new to you (doesn't matter which 6).
The Required Colors are: Blue, Red, White, Black, Silver, Gold
I not willing to do this one this year but hope it comes up again in 2010
Fall '09 Challenge
Found another one, S. Krishna’s Books is having a Clear off your Shelves challenge YES
Oct & Nov only. Check out the site for rules
1 comment:
Thank you for the link to the Fall Challenge. I will be signing up as soon as I post my book list. Thanks again.
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