Oh, sorry, it's 5 a.m. here!
Actually, it's Friday morning {blush} but I'm thinking about the read-a-thon, making a game plan for the day.
There will be a family party Sunday afternoon and I need to bring food, that has to be made ahead of time. Dang we need cards too....adding to grocery list.....wondering if my parents are going to take me out to dinner again (birthday). That happened last year :D
I started a good book for the read-a-thon but didn't put it down and finished it. Started Dark Peril by Christine Feehan too, :/ can I wait?
I'm going for page count here even if I don't finish 3 books so I guess I could read Under the Dome, wonder if I could do it without breaks? It has been known to happen
Several books are in a storage unit so I'd better get cracking or part of my reading day will be spent going through boxes.
Hope to do several challenges again this year.
Be back later (once I'm awake), hoping I'll have a picture of snackage and books.
Happy Reading,
Gina, a book dragon
because books are a treasure worth protecting
Twitter: @bookdragonslair & #readathon
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012
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