Sleep - I almost made it 24 hours, hoping to get back on track. Nope, work up about Midnight on Monday and couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I need to do. All messed up again.
DeClutter - nothing has been done here as I'm concentrating on exercise and blogging this month.
Weight - 209.2. ugh, I really don't like telling you that. Bought a BeachBody program, crossing my fingers it works. Also my coach is a relative and I'll feel okay going to her for help.
ARCs - Drawn to the Land and A Circle of Souls.
Reading Challenges - not sure where I stand on these. I'll need to sort things out in May, April is booked.
Blogging Challenges - Still doing good with my three posts a week, even if they are late some days. A, B, C, and D were complete reviews.
Exercise -
Mon - 40 min with a target heart range (104-120)
Tue - 40 min with a target heart range (104-120) . . . missed (in bed by 5 p.m.!)
Wed - meet with Bethany, she'll put me through the ringer . . . she did!
Thu - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130) . . . missed
Fri - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130) . . missed
I'd like to keep the streak going by getting 10 minutes on Saturday and start the week with yoga on Sunday
Sleep - staying up all night and into the afternoon today. Crossing fingers that it will switch me around
DeClutter -No plans to do anything until May.
Weight - Still need to pick a day as an official weigh day.
ARCs - I have BIG plans to review in April. Echo Lake will have a post up on the 6th
- Echo Lake by Carla Neggers - spotlight post
- Cover Your Eyes by Mary Burton - spotlight post
Reading Challenges - Just keep track of what you're reading until May then update all the challenges.
Blogging Challenges - Six books read/reviewed? F, H, I. Plus Monday's a little early and this one. E, G, J need to be read/review. So far, I'm posting all three plus the reviews.
- Sunday - Goals wrap up and plans for the week
- Monday - Where are your reading? and Reading Monday
- Thursday - Cat Thursday and Purrsday
Exercise - This plan hasn't changed. One day with the trainer and four days on my own. If I'm going to meet my weight deadline without moving it back (again!), I need to follow her plans for me. This week it is 40 minutes of cardio on my own, 4 days a week. If I'm short total minutes for the week, I can make them up on a rest day or have an extra long day.
Mon - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130)
Tue - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130)
Wed - meet with Bethany, she'll put me through the ringer
Thu - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130)
Fri - 45 min with a target heart range (104-130)
I'd like to keep the streak going by getting 10 minutes on Saturday and start the week with yoga on Sunday
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2015
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