Check out the blog for challenge details but basically, read a book for every month that relates to a holiday or birthday. Birthdays...a cross section of birthdays, author, artists, famous people. Feel free to add birthdays that you know
Twelve books necessary but don't have to be read in order. um..do they need to be read the the month they're being assigned? Don't think so.
Jan -
Feb -
Mar -
Apr - (Anne McCaffrey's birthday)
May -
Jun - Maurice Sendak's birthday: In the Night Kitchen
Jul -
Aug -
Sep -
Oct -
Nov -
Dec -
There are A LOT of ideas on the blog, these are the ones I'm going to use...
January Notables and Famous Birthdays
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.A. A. Milne
Zane Grey
New Years
February Notables and Famous Birthdays
John SanfordJames Joyce
Ground Hogs Day
Library Lovers
National Cherry Pie
National Wedding Month
Random Acts Of Kindness Week (Pay it Forward?)
Valentine's Day
March Notables and Famous Birthdays
World Book DayNEA Read Across America
Panic Day
Dr. Seuss
American Red Cross Month
April Notables and Famous Birthdays
Earth DayHolocaust Awareness Month
National Poetry Month
Southern Belle Month
April Fool's Day
National Fun Day
Hans Christian Anderson
Tom Clancey
Husband Appreciation Day
National Library Week
Red Hat Society Day
May Notables and Famous Birthdays
National Missing Children's DayInternational Museum Day
Mother's Day
Armed Forces Day
Get Caught Reading
National Military Appreciation Month
Personal History
May Day
Reading is Fun Week
June Notables and Famous Birthdays
Ann FrankSummer Solstice
George Orwell
Pearl S. Buck
Father's Day
Maurice Sendak
Richard McClure Scarry
July Notables and Famous Birthdays
Independence DayE. B. White
J. K. Rowling
Peach Month
Baked Beans Month
Hitchhiking Month
Blueberry Month
Fireworks Safety Month
Ice Cream Month
Hot Dog Month
August Notables and Famous Birthdays
Be an Angel DayKiss and Make-Up Day
Homeless Animal Day
My Anniversary
Navajo Code Takers Day
Smithsonian Institute Founded
September Notables and Famous Birthdays
9/11National Honey Month
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Month
Waffle Day
DO IT DAY- Fight Procrastination
Grandparents Day
Sing it Out Day
Eat an Apple Day
Constitution Day
R. E. A. D. in America Day
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tolkien week
William Faulkner
Banned books-celebrate the freedom to read
Deaf Awareness Week
Good Neighbor Day
October Notables and Famous Birthdays
Fire PreventionNational Book Month
Cookie Month
Depression Awareness Month
Down Syndrome Month
P. J.'s Month
Reading Group Month
Pastor Appreciation Month
International Day of the Older Person
Mahatma Gandhi
James Herriot
Cake Decoration Day
National Grouch Day
National Chocolate Day
National Candy Corn Day
November Notables and Famous Birthdays
Peanut ButterI Am So Thankful Month
National Alzheimer Month
Author's Day
Family Literacy Day
National Tongue Twister Day
Veteran's Day
National Young Reader's Day
Homemade Bread Day
Pumpkin Pie Day
J. F. K. Dies
You're Welcome/Giving Day
C. S. Lewis
Louisa May Alcott
Mark Twain
Stay at Home Cause You Are Well Day (30th)
National Farm and City Week
National Game and Puzzle Week
December Notables and Famous Birthdays
Walt Disney
Pearl Harbor Bombed
Emily Dickinson
Gingerbread House Day
Poinsettia Day
Arthur C. Clarke
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Wright Brother's Day
National Humbug Day
National Candy Cane Day
Cookie Cutter Week
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