The Art of the Novella Reading Challenge
My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:
read one or more novellas from a specific list
Final List:
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
This was stressful in that I have a bunch of other stuff going on and it is out of my comfort zone. I'm glad I did the challenge, it did whet my appetite for more.
Will I repeat the challenge next year? Not sure it will be repeated but I will keep the list handy.

Romance Reading Challenge
My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:
read and review five romance novels then link them
Final List:
The Christmas Clock
Voice for the Silent
The First Love Cookie Club
The Misfit of Supernatural High
One Weekend
I have no problem reading the required novels. In fact, I LOVE to read romance and have quite a list so far this year. My problem is reviewing the things.
Will I repeat the challenge next year? most likely not.

My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:
read six books that meet specific requirements
Final List:
The First Love Cookie Club
Emeralds and Espionage
Go Small or Go Home
Hawk's Landing
Killer Crab Cakes
Being a Green Mother
I've enjoy this challenge in the past and enjoyed it again this year. One title was a favorite re-read and one was a forgotten re-read. One never would have been purchased (or enjoyed) if not for this challenge
Will I repeat the challenge next year? absolutely

My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:
Eleven more of something during 2011 than 2010. I choose to do 11 more reviews so I had 13 to do during the year.
Final List: see original post
enjoyed? not so much. I was relieved when I made my decision of what 11 more I was going to do and glad of the kick start to get them completed, but....
Will I repeat the challenge next year? no

Young Readers
Read to Me
My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:I always join these, or something like them, but this is the first year I've actually completed them.
Read children's books
Final List:
see original post
Will I repeat the challenge next year? not officially - or at least I'll try to remember not to join officially
~*~*and because of challenges completed*~*~

Reading Challenge Addict
My original post about the challenge
Quick recap:
Join and Complete reading challenges during the year. I was silly and said I'd complete 16 even though I'd never completed that many before. I did it!
Final List:
see original post
I thought I had set myself up to fail this one. I have no problem joining challenge, my problem is completing them! I usually end the year with several that only needed one or two titles.
Will I repeat the challenge next year? Yes but with a smaller number
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2011
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