I Love Library Books
Reading Challenge
hosted by me, here at Book Dragon's Lair
Sign- up below
Our love of reading can be expensive! Not only are we purchasing books but some of us also need space to keep them. I had so much fun with this challenge last year. Let's do it again!
There are a number of levels, for those who don't have a library card yet to those that live there. Enjoy!
- choose a level - you may move up as needed, just not down.
- check books out of the library
- books may overlap with other challenges
- any format allowed (print, ebook, audio)
- reviews are not necessary but a list of books read is. (post with review linky is coming)
- a blog is not necessary, just comment that you want to join in.
- board book - 3
- picture book - 6
- early reader - 9
- chapter book - 12
- middle grades - 18
- Young adult - 24
- adult - 36
- just insert IV - 50
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2013
Hi, I'm in again. Choosing level 50+.
Hello, thank you for having this. I'm looking forward to it!
I am ready!!
I'm in.. let's go
I'm in. The blog address is new (to participate in reading challenge. Don't have a clue what I'm doing and the learning curve is a little slow for this senior citizen.
Hi, I'm signing up for the very, very lowest level; that way there's a chance that I may actually complete it! Who knows, I may even move up... Thanks for hosting.
Sorry, I didn't mean to post as "anonymous". I hit the button too soon :( Rose Bernadette
I'm in! I can't resist a challenge--as we all know. :-)
I'm new to book reading challenges..but since I do read mostly from the library I would love to join in on this one. I will read 50 (or more). I do have a blog and will hook up to Linky after I set up a post for your challenge.
I practically live at my library. I'll start with the middle grade level but I'll probably move up at some point.
I had to put up another link. Number 3 will take you nowhere. So sorry about that!
This is my first participating, so, I think I will start with #12 - Chapter Book.
Hi! This will be my first year participating in reading challenges like these, so I'm starting with Chapter Book. Thanks for hosting this!
I am going to be doing 24
Yay! Thank you for hosting!
I am in, I have signed up for 12 books but hope to get a lot further than that.
I'm going to try 36 although I'm tempted to go for 50....
Oh dear, oh dear ... I actually joined! I was very tempted to join last year, but only discovered it half way through and decided in the end not to brave it. I love libraries. Between the four of us and several authorities ... we hit somewhere between 150-200 worth of books out at any given time. As for number ... I am part of 2 reading groups, so that should hopefully be around 24 books already ... I think 36 will be my goal. Though will try to go higher.
My blog is mainly about cross stitch, but I will put up a new tab especially for this challenge.
Sounds like an easy challenge for me . Since most of my books come from the library. Going for ust insert IV - 50
Joining at the Board Book level and leaving myself room to grow! :O)
I'm new to this challenge. I'm going for the Young Adult level although in 2013 I read 56 books from the library. I'm trying to read more of the books I own so we'll see if that goes better in 2014 than it did in 2013
I have just signed up since I am an avid reader and use the library for most of my books this challenge will be perfect to increase my reading for the year.
I missed my 2013 goal, so I am lowering myself to 18 books to begin with. When I meet that goal, I will raise my goal further.
Beth @ Free Spirit Books
I love this challenge because of how it seems to be made for me. Check out my sign up point: http://lovingthelanguageofliteracy.blogspot.com/2013/12/2014-love-library-books-reading.html
What a great challenge! I'm signing up at the 'adult' level.
Trying for 50+ again this year!
I'm in again - going for 50 again!!!
going to aim low this time, I failed this challenge miserably last year
Thanks for keeping this challenge going. This will be my sixth year at it. I wouldn't miss it.
Hi there, I'm in (again)! Thanks for hosting! :)
One of my favorite challenges, mainly because I love the library. I'm in again! :D
Stick the IV in me! I'm coming back for more!
Thanks for hosting again. I'm signing up for adult again, but hoping to read more.
Thanks for hosting,I will be picking up the next 2 books from series I am reading from the library!
Just wondering when you will have the review linky up for this challenge.
Hello. This is my first time joining in this challenge. Aiming for Chapter Books. And hoping to read more :)
What a wonderful challenge! Now I have an excuse to visit the library every two weeks!
Thanks again for hosting, Gina!
I would love to join this challenge because I haven't been to the library for so long! I am doing a TBR challenge as well to read some of those books on my shelf. I'm going to start at the Early Reader level and commit to 9 books from the library. I don't have a blog, but will set up a shelf in GoodReads. https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/523613-leslie?shelf=i-love-library-books-2014
sorry. I have by mistake added a link that should have been to the review side, Would you please remove link 84.
As I've made it to Board Book level, which was my goal on signing up, I'm taking another step and moving my target up to Picture Book, six books! Cheers.
I've passed the 'adult' stage and am working on the 'just insert iv' level now. Two more months left to go!
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